Summary of proposed development - Subpart 132.M of CASR - Maintenance of limited category aircraft (CD 1715OS)

Closed 13 Jul 2018

Opened 18 Jun 2018

Results updated 19 Oct 2018

This consultation sought feedback on the full policy proposals for Subpart 132.M of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR)– maintenance of limited category aircraft.

The results

We received a total of 23 submissions. Twenty-one respondents consented to having their comments published on the CASA website.

Key feedback

Most respondents indicated strong support for the proposed subpart 132.M of CASR. None of the respondents were opposed to the overall concept.

Common themes were:

  • The proposed subpart will be good for the warbird sector.
  • A Part 66 licence holder should not require an authorisation from the AA to certify for maintenance covered by the licence.
  • Holders of a CASA issued maintenance organisation approval should not require further authorisation by the AA.
  • The list of persons authorised to maintain ejection seats should be expanded to include persons trained by a military user or persons trained on the job under task-based competency provisions.
  • The list of persons authorised to pack or maintain emergency parachutes should be expanded to include persons trained in the military.
  • Task-based assessment of competency should not be required for experienced LAMEs.
  • Defects should be reported to the Registered Operator, not the owner.
  • Major defect reporting requirement should be expanded from "same day" to "within 24 hours".

Future direction

Overall, respondents have strongly supported the proposed Subpart 132.M of CASR. We will proceed to drafting the subpart and will include amendments arising out of this consultation.

 A draft of the legislation will be published for further comment prior to finalisation.


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


This consultation draft sets out the full policy proposals for Subpart 132.M of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR)– maintenance of limited category aircraft, for public consideration and comment.

Previous consultation on this topic has supported the development of Subpart 132.M of CASR, subject to a review of the full policy detail.

The underlying principles for Part 132 of CASR, for limited category aircraft operations, are:

  • Part 132 of CASR operations are recreational activities in which participants are informed of and accept the inherent risks. The result being Part 132 of CASR safety standards are lower than normal private general aviation operations.
  • Part 132 of CASR operations other than adventure flights, are regulated with maximum reasonable flexibility for the participants, who are expected to have fully informed themselves of the safety standards associated with the operation.
  • Part 132 of CASR adventure flights are regulated to higher standards in certain key areas than other Part 132 of CASR operations, to provide higher levels of safety for participants whose understanding of the safety standards may not extend beyond the safety briefing.

Part 132 of CASR includes provision for a Subpart 132.M of CASR, which is the subject of this proposal. The underlying general principles for Part 132 of CASR will apply to Part 132.M of CASR.

Closing date for comment

CASA will consider all comments received as part of this consultation process and incorporate changes as appropriate. Comments on the Summary of proposed development - Subpart 132.M of CASR - Maintenance of limited category aircraft (CD 1715OS) should be submitted through the online response form by close of business 13 July 2018.

Why your views matter

CASA recognises the valuable contribution that community and industry consultation makes to the regulatory development process.

A copy of the Summary of proposed development (CD 1715OS) is provided below. You can read it on this screen using the scroll bar or save it to your computer using the popup options.

On this page under the heading, "Relevant Documents"  you will find a downloadable Word copy of this consultation. This is for ease of distribution and feedback within your organisation.   

Please read the document before providing your feedback in the online survey.

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What happens next

At the end of the response period for public comment, we will review each comment and submission received through the online response form. We will make all submissions publicly available on the CASA website unless a respondent requests their submission remain confidential. Information about how we consult and how to make a confidential submission is available on the CASA website.

When the consultation draft submissions are published we will also publish a summary of consultation, which will summarise the feedback received, describe any intended changes and detail our plans in regards to rule making.

Once policy is established there will be further consultation on proposed rule making. You can subscribe to our consultation and rule making mailing list to be notified of future consultation or proposed rule making.


  • CASA Staff
  • Airworthiness organisations
  • Pilots
  • Sport and recreation operators/clubs


  • Airworthiness / maintenance
  • Limited category aircraft