Draft AC 20-06 v1.0 - Defect reporting

Closed 13 Feb 2019

Opened 30 Jan 2019

Results updated 5 Aug 2019

We sought your feedback on the the draft advisory circular (AC) 20-06 v1 - Defect reporting on the Consultation Hub from 30 January 2019 - 13 February 2019.

We received eight responses with feedback being generally supportive of the proposal.

The advisory circular has now been updated.


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The purpose of this Advisory Circular (AC) is to provide guidance and information to people reporting defects discovered in aircraft or aeronautical products to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) in accordance with Part 4B of Civil Aviation Regulations (CAR) or Division 42.C.4 and Subdivision 42.D.6.2 of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR).

Draft AC 20-06 v1.0 replaces CAAP 51-1(2), as the CAAP only referred to aircraft maintained under the CAR. This AC will cover aircraft maintained under both the CAR and the CASR. It also includes a chapter detailing defects which do not need to be reported to CASA.

This AC:

  • incorporates aircraft maintained under the CASR
  • includes a section describing defects that do not need to be reported, to lower the impost on industry and CASA
  • changes terminology from Service Difficulty Reports to Defect Reports
  • removes reference to CASA’s SDR system and now refers to CASAs Defect Reporting service.


This AC applies to:

  • Aircraft Engineer Licence holder
  • Aircraft Registered Operators
  • Air Operator’s Certificate holders
  • Approved Maintenance Organisations
  • Certificate of Approval holders
  • Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations
  • Pilots or other persons authorised to carry out maintenance.

Closing date for comment

CASA will consider all comments received on the Draft AC 20-06 v1.0 - Defect reporting. Comments should be submitted through the online response form by close of business 13 February 2019.

Why your views matter

CASA recognises the valuable contribution that community and industry consultation makes to the regulatory development process.

This is the initial AC relating to Defect Reporting.

A copy of the draft AC is provided below. You can read the document on this screen using the scroll bar or save it to your computer using the popup options.

Please read the document before providing your feedback in the online survey.

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What happens next

At the end of the response period for public comment, we will review each comment and submission received through the online response form. We will make all submissions publicly available on the CASA website unless a respondent requests that their submission remain confidential. Information about how we consult and how to make a confidential submission is available on the CASA website.

When the responses to the consultation, for which consent to publish has been granted, are published, we will also publish a summary of consultation (SOC). The SOC will summarise feedback received, describe any intended changes and detail our plans for the AC.

You can subscribe to our consultation and rule making mailing list to be notified of future consultation or rule making.


  • CASA Staff
  • Airworthiness organisations
  • Engineers


  • Airworthiness / maintenance
  • Aircraft certification and design