Guidelines for heliports - design and operation - Draft Advisory Circular 139.R-01 v3.0

Closed 22 Jul 2024

Opened 25 Jun 2024

Feedback updated 30 Jan 2025

We asked

This consultation asked people to identify feedback on amendments to our guidance for the design and operation of heliports in advisory circular (AC) 139.R-01 guidelines for heliports - design and operation. The consultation opened on the 25 June 2024 and closed on the 22 July 2024. A summary of the feedback is provided below.

About this consultation

The consultation asked for feedback on proposed amendments to

  • a new ‘General’ subsection (5.2.1) in section 5.2 – Markings and markers
  • a new subsection (5.2.18) for obstacle markings
  • updates to Chapter 6 to incorporate feedback from industry experts, inclusive of heliport operators and designers, on heliport emergency response
  • more information about the systems and equipment necessary to provide an immediate response in the case of an accident
  • a new Appendix C for Rescue and firefighting (RFF) equipment and services risk assessment considerations
  • minor edits consequential to the amendments above.

In total, there were 8 respondents to the discussion paper. Four  responses were received from industry consultants, 3 responses from government agencies and 1 response from the Department of Defence.

All respondents agreed with the changes, with some amendments requested. Further information or updates to information other than that in the above list was sought by 4 of the responders. Further information requested included improved definition of obstacle markings, further information regarding RFF equipment requirements and response, and further definitions of markings and markers.

You said

Of the respondents who made written submissions:

  • 2 consented to having them made public
  • 6 requested their submissions be confidential.

The 8 responses agreed with the proposed changes. Recommendations to improve the AC were provided, with changes to information in the AC amended accordingly.

Three responses sought information to be included in the AC beyond that subject to the consultation. Where reasonably practical, that information was included. However, not all feedback could be included in this amendment. Specifically, the request to increase requirements for RFF equipment requirements and response for heliports could not be accommodated. 

Those requests for additional information have been captured for future consideration during future regulatory development.

Summary of feedback

A detailed analysis of the responses has provided sufficient feedback for a further review of AC 139.R-01 - Guidelines for heliports - design and operation.

In response to Question 1, feedback recommended editorial amendments to Section 6.2.8, emphasis on regular exercises, and better definition of onsite and offsite responses were suggested.

In response to Question 2, feedback suggested that examples of different heliport environments should be provided.

In response to Question 3, feedback recommended editorial amendments to Section and the provision of examples or diagrams of common obstacles.

In response to Question 4, feedback recommended amendments to to ensure obstacles are marked so that pilots can clearly see the obstacle and the provisions of examples of different heliport environments.

In response to Question 5, feedback suggested a flowchart of a risk assessment process, examples of common hazards, integration of new technologies, checklist of required information, sample training schedule, use of digital tools to ensure up to date information documentation, record keeping and record auditing.

Feedback to Question 6 included the most significant number of responses. The feedback included recommendations to improvements to Section 5.2.16, proposed alignment with the Part 139 (Aerodromes) Manual of Standards with respect to obstacle marking and lighting, improvements to Appendix B, further editorial amendment to the definitions, the consideration of summary sections at the beginning of each major chapter and ensure that the guidelines are adaptable to varying sizes and complexities of heliport operations, amendment to the definitions, addition of information to Section 7.6.1, more clarity and updated information in Section 8.

Most of the feedback to Question 6 fell outside the list of items that had been updated as part of this consultation. Where reasonably practical, the draft AC was updated accordingly.

A difficulty with uncertified aerodromes, including heliports, relates to providing advisory information that may fall across or within the areas of responsibility other than aviation safety. The cross linking of industrial safety, public safety and aviation safety needs advice beyond that capable within a single advisory circular. For instance, the needs of any rescue and fire-fighting response desired by aviation, and the capabilities state or territory response agencies may be able to provide could vary significantly.

We did

Next steps

Overall, respondents have supported the proposals. As a result, CASA will update AC 139.R-01 - Guidelines for heliports - design and operation.

Where recommendations have been captured for future consideration, and not otherwise included in this version of the AC, work will continue to address industry concerns. This may include engaging with the Aviation Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP). ASAP is the primary advisory body through which CASA directs its engagement with industry.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


We would like your feedback on amendments to our guidance for the design and operation of heliports in advisory circular (AC) 139.R-01.

The amendments to AC 139.R-01 include:

  • a new ‘General’ subsection (5.2.1) in section 5.2 – Markings and markers
  • a new subsection (5.2.18) for obstacle markings
  • updates to Chapter 6 to incorporate feedback from industry experts, inclusive of heliport operators and designers, on heliport emergency response
  • more information about the systems and equipment necessary to provide an immediate response in the case of an accident
  • a new Appendix C for Rescue and firefighting equipment and services risk assessment considerations
  • minor edits consequential to the amendments above.

The update to Chapter 6 is intended to provide greater clarity:

  • for determining the heliport operator’s intended emergency response and associated facilities in the event of abnormal helicopter operations
  • on the difference between emergency response facilities provided at the heliport needed to ensure the survivability of persons after a helicopter crash or any other incident that may result in a fire at the heliport
  • on systems needed to achieve the heliport operator’s emergency response objectives onsite, versus an offsite emergency response.

This AC applies to:

  • persons involved in the design, construction, and operation of heliports
  • proponents of heliports
  • helicopter owners/operators
  • planning authorities
  • aerodrome operators
  • CASA personnel.

Why your views matter

We recognise the valuable contribution that community and industry consultation makes to the regulatory development process. Your feedback will increase our understanding of your needs and whether the draft AC provides adequate guidance on heliport design considerations.

We are seeking feedback as to whether:

  • the content and structure of the guidance provided is clear and sufficient
  • it is fit for the purpose of supporting decision making on the infrastructure necessary for emergency response at heliports.

Related Documents

All documents related to this consultation are attached in the ‘Related’ section at the bottom of the overview page. They are:

  • Draft AC 139.R-01 v3.0
  • MS Word copy of online consultation for ease of distribution and feedback within your organisation.

Please read the AC document before providing your feedback.

Please submit your comments on the draft AC through the Consultation Hub using the survey provided. If you are unable to provide feedback this way, please email us at

What happens next

At the end of the response period, we will:

  • review all comments received
  • make responses publicly available on the consultation hub (unless you request your submission remain confidential)
  • publish a Summary of Consultation which summarises the feedback received and outlines any intended changes and next steps.

Feedback that improves the guidance will be incorporated into the final guidance.


  • Aerodrome operator
  • Air operators
  • Manufacturers
  • Pilots
  • Certified aerodrome owner/operator
  • Unregulated aerodrome owner/operator
  • Aerodrome owner/operators
  • Aerodrome industry consultant
  • Helicopter pilots
  • Flight training operators - helicopters
  • AOC holders operating helicopters
  • Part 138 of CASR certificate holders operating helicopters
  • Vertiport developers


  • Airspace and infrastructure
  • Emergencies and incident reporting
  • Safety management systems
  • Safety promotion
  • Vertiports