Aviation medical policy review - (DP 2206FS)

Closed 12 Jun 2022

Opened 2 May 2022

Results updated 26 Sep 2022

From 2 May – 12 June 2022, we sought feedback to help shape our review of aviation medical policy. Our review of the aviation medical rules aims to simplify and modernise our overall approach to medical certification.

We gathered data on the following 6 broad focus areas:

  1. Review Part 67 to ensure it is up to date and fit for purpose.
  2. Assess the implementation and outcomes of Basic Class 2 medical certification.
  3. Review the effectiveness of CASA delegations to DAMEs and whether these could be extended or improved, or whether DAMEs can be given direct authority under the regulations to issue medical certificates.
  4. Consider other areas of aviation activity where medical certification could improve safety outcomes.
  5. Establish whether the current structure of medical certification for recreational aviation is fit for purpose.
  6. Consider any other relevant medical matters.

We also sought feedback on 3 key potential reforms that CASA is considering:

  1. Self-declared medical for private pilots.
  2. Building the principles underlying the Basic Class 2 medical certificate into Part 67 and simplifying the medical certification structure.
  3. Empowering DAMEs to do more by expanding delegations.

The consultation received 611 responses and where there was consent, responses are published.

Feedback received identified several main themes:

  • access
  • process
  • standards
  • safety and risk
  • evidence.

Read the full details in the summary of consultation below.

We have been working in consultation with the Aviation Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) and Part 67 Aviation Medical Technical Working Group (TWG) to help achieve the outcomes of the review and make sure it reflects current practices in aviation medicine. Further information including the reports from their meetings is on the CASA website


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


We are seeking your input to help shape our review of aviation medical policy.

Our review of the aviation medical rules aims to simplify and modernise our overall approach to medical certification.

It follows work done over several years to improve and reform aviation medicine through a tiered approach to risk management. This considers how we can make it easy and simple for private pilots to get in the air and stay flying. It allows us to focus effort on higher risk activities such as passenger transport.

Part 67 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 was made in 2003 and sets out medical certification requirements.

We have identified 6 broad focus areas for the review:

  1. examine Part 67 to ensure it is up to date and fit for purpose
  2. assess the implementation and outcomes of Basic Class 2 certification
  3. determine the effectiveness of CASA delegations to DAMEs and whether these could be extended or improved, or whether DAMEs can be given direct authority under the regulations to issue medical certificates
  4. consider other areas of aviation activity where medical certification could improve safety outcomes
  5. establish whether the current structure of medical certification for recreational aviation is fit for purpose
  6. consider any other relevant matters.

Three key potential reforms we are considering are:

  1. self-declared medical for private pilots
  2. building the principles underlying the Basic Class 2 into Part 67 and simplifying the medical certification structure
  3. empowering DAMEs to do more by expanding delegations.

Your input will help us with the work we are doing with the Part 67 technical working group (TWG) appointed by the Aviation Safety Advisory Panel.

Much work has already been done in consultation with the TWG to explore options. Some of the resulting ideas are presented to you for consideration in the survey.

This consultation is relevant to all pilots (including drone flyers), medical professionals, and air traffic controllers. This is your chance to provide industry sector insight and ideas based on your understanding of current needs and challenges.

We are still in the early stages of this work and will publicly consult on a final policy proposal in a future consultation.

This is a key initiative of our general aviation (GA) workplan, focused on delivering tangible benefits on addressing longstanding issues raised with us by the GA community including growth of the sector.


More Information

Part 67 was made in 2003 and sets out the requirements relating to medical certification, designated aviation medical examiners and designated aviation ophthalmologists. Part 67 details the regulations relevant to medication certification, including:

  • appointment of examiners
  • application for certificate
  • medical standards relevant to the different classes of certificate
  • issue and renewal of certificates
  • suspension and cancellation of certificates

Part 67 of CASR affects:

  • designated aviation medical examiners (DAMEs)
  • designated aviation ophthalmologists (DAOs)
  • pilots
  • air traffic controllers

A range of changes to the aviation medical certification system were introduced in 2018 by instrument:

  • we allowed a Class 2 medical for pilots operating commercial flights that do not carry passengers (up to a maximum take-off weight of 8618 kilograms)
  • we allowed all DAMEs to have the option to issue Class 2 medical certificates on the spot, in most circumstances
  • we created a new category of private pilot medical certificate (Basic Class 2) which could be assessed by any medical practitioner against the commercial driver standard.

Why your views matter

CASA recognises the valuable contribution community and industry consultations make to the policy decision-making process and future regulatory change. Comments are sought from every sector of the community.

This includes the public, government agencies and all sectors of the aviation industry, whether as an aviator, aviation consumer and/or provider of related products and services.

At the end of the response period, we will review each comment and submission received.

All submissions will be made publicly available on our website, unless you request your submission remain confidential.


  • CASA Staff
  • Air operators
  • Flight instructors and flight examiners
  • Sport and recreation operators/clubs
  • Hot air balloon operators
  • Designated Aviation Medical Examiner (DAME)
  • Air traffic controller/s
  • Drone operators
  • Traveling public/passengers
  • Amateur/kit-built aircraft owners and builders
  • Approved self-administering aviation organisations
  • Parachute operators
  • Parachuting sport aviation bodies
  • Pilots of parachuting aircraft
  • Balloon Instructors and flight examiners
  • Balloon Pilots
  • Balloon Sports aviation operators
  • Tethered gas balloon operators
  • Balloon AOC holders and applicants
  • Flight training organisations
  • Aviation Medical Practitioner (AMP)


  • Drones/uncrewed aircraft systems
  • Sport and recreational aviation
  • Aviation medicine