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193 results

  • Proposed implementation of ICAO's Global Reporting Format (PP 2211AS)

    We are intending to introduce the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Global Reporting Format (GRF) in some Australian aerodromes. Your feedback will help us to better understand the potential impacts in our unique Australian environment before we finalise the policy. The GRF establishes a consistent system covering the assessment, reporting and use of contaminated runways. We are asking you for feedback on the policy proposals for: ... More
    Closed 9 November 2022
  • Proposed exemption – Part 145 temporary line maintenance facility approval (CD 2215MS)

    We are seeking your feedback on our proposal to exempt Part 145 Approved Maintenance Organisations (AMOs) from the requirement to have certain new maintenance facilities approved by CASA. We are proposing CASA approval will not be required for facilities that will be used on a temporary basis to carry out line maintenance activities. This will bring forward corresponding outcomes from proposed future Part 145 policies . It will also reduce unnecessary... More
    Closed 10 November 2022
  • Proposal to improve training and assessment for aerial mustering endorsements (CD 2217FS)

    We are seeking feedback on an instrument that will establish a tailored system for training, assessment, grant and exercise of aerial mustering endorsements. You told us practical barriers to the efficient conduct of flight training and entry control assessment for aerial mustering endorsements have emerged since the flight crew licensing rules commenced in 2014. The proposed instrument seeks to overcome these barriers by addressing: entry criteria and... More
    Closed 16 December 2022
  • Proposed Part 101 standards and guide for authorised beyond visual line of sight, outside of controlled airspace operations (CD 2216US)

    We would like your feedback on the proposed aeronautical knowledge standards and associated guide supporting an examination to authorise beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations, outside of controlled airspace (OCTA). This is an alternative to the current requirement to pass the instrument rating exam (IREX) – an exam originally designed for crewed aviation. The proposed BVLOS OCTA exam would: act as an alternative pathway from the IREX for BVLOS... More
    Closed 17 January 2023
  • Proposed new Part 105 Manual of Standards - Parachuting from aircraft - (CD 2213OS)

    We are seeking your feedback on the proposed Manual of Standards (MOS) for the rules governing parachuting activities. The MOS provides complex and technical detail that sets out the rules for Part 105 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) - Parachuting from aircraft. Your feedback will help us check that the rules in the MOS work as intended. Part 105 and its MOS integrate parachuting activities in the Part 149 self-administration framework. This... More
    Closed 22 January 2023
  • Discussion paper on Part 66 aircraft type ratings (DP 2202MS)

    We are seeking your feedback on proposed improvements to aircraft maintenance type ratings. We propose to continue to generally harmonise with European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) type rating and processes. However, future Australian type rating decisions will place the emphasis on an assessment of whether a new aircraft type introduces technologies or techniques that: are not covered by the licensed aircraft maintenance engineer (LAME) category training ... More
    Closed 12 February 2023
  • Discussion paper on Part 66 modular licensing framework for aircraft maintenance engineers (DP 2218MS)

    We are seeking feedback on a proposed aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) modular licensing structure to facilitate earlier and more achievable licensing outcomes. This stems from industry feedback about the inflexibility of the Part 66 of the Civil Aviation Saftey Regulations 1998 (CASR) licensing system, particularly compared to the previous regulation 31 of the Civil Aviation Regulation 1988 (CAR) five category licence process. We propose to use the existing Part... More
    Closed 12 February 2023
  • Guidelines for vertiport design - Draft Advisory Circular 139.V-01 v1.0

    We would like your feedback on the draft advisory circular (AC) for vertiport design. Vertiports are a new type of aerodrome designed to service next-generation vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capable aircraft (VCA). Vertiport sites can be in urban and regional locations as well as on existing aerodromes. Draft Advisory Circular 139.V-01 v1.0 - Guidelines for vertiport design, is intended to provide guidance and information to people designing and constructing... More
    Closed 31 March 2023
  • SMS pre-implementation plan survey

    This survey aims to explore how we can provide effective support to operators to develop and implement their Safety Management System. More
    Closed 1 April 2023
  • Flight training and flight tests for specialised endorsements (CD 2304FS)

    We are seeking feedback on an instrument that will establish a tailored system for training, assessment, grant, and exercise of: sling operations endorsements winch and rappelling operations endorsements firefighting endorsements. You told us practical barriers to the efficient conduct of flight training and entry control assessment for these specialised endorsements have emerged since the flight crew licensing rules commenced in 2014. The... More
    Closed 30 April 2023
  • ICAO English language proficiency standards for air traffic service personnel (CD 2301AS)

    We are seeking your feedback on our plan to formally adopt International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) English language proficiency standards for air traffic service (ATS) personnel. Clear and unambiguous voice communications are essential for safe operations in aviation. For this reason, ICAO developed standards and brought them into effect in 2008. Since that time, Australia’s national ATS provider, Airservices Australia, has voluntarily adopted the ICAO standards for... More
    Closed 7 May 2023
  • Proposed amendments to Part 66 MOS – addition of new aircraft type ratings (CD 2306MS)

    We are seeking your feedback on amendments we are proposing to make to the Part 66 Manual of Standards (MOS) to ensure it is fit for purpose. These amendments include updates to type rating information and the addition of new aircraft types and a new type certificate holder to the aircraft type ratings lists in Appendix IX of the MOS. Purpose and scope of proposed amendments The proposed Part 66 Manual of Standards Amendment Instrument 2023 (No. X) would... More
    Closed 29 May 2023
  • Airspace review - Southport, Queensland

    We are seeking industry feedback on airspace around Southport, Queensland. This follows the tragic mid-air collision between 2 rotary wing aircraft on 2 January 2023 in this airspace. An initial review of the airspace has not indicated there are any safety issues relating to airspace arrangements, but this broader work will seek input from airspace users and operators. We want all pilots and operators that fly in this area to let us know about... More
    Closed 15 June 2023
  • Proposed standards for fatigue management for air traffic service personnel (CD 2303AS)

    We are seeking your feedback about introducing fatigue management standards for air traffic service (ATS) personnel. We propose to adopt one of the standards for fatigue management specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), specifically a fatigue risk management system (FRMS). Fatigue management is a core aviation safety requirement, and we believe it is important to address this matter in legislation. We anticipate the changes being... More
    Closed 23 June 2023
  • Proposed changes to aerodrome rescue and firefighting services legislation (creation of new Part 176 of CASR) - (PP 2101AS)

    CASA is seeking feedback on our proposal for the creation and implementation of CASR Part 176 - regulation of aerodrome rescue and firefighting services (ARFFS). The policy proposal includes the transition of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) Subpart 139.H ruleset to Part 176 of CASR as a standalone ARFFS regulation suite. CASA's review of the Subpart 139.H ruleset considered the recommendations of reviews by: Department of... More
    Closed 9 August 2023
  • Proposed amendments to new Part 131 Manual of Standards - Balloons and hot air airships (CD 2307OS)

    We are seeking your feedback on the new draft of the proposed Manual of Standards (MOS) for the operational rules for balloons and hot air airships. The MOS provides technical details on the requirements in Part 131 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR). Part 131 commenced on 2 December 2021 along with the other new flight operations regulations. The first draft of the Part 131 MOS was publicly consulted between 16 August and 15 September... More
    Closed 4 September 2023
  • Proposed amendments for CASA to administer recreational balloon activities - (CD 2312OS)

    The Australian Ballooning Federation Inc (ABF), that currently administers recreational (private) balloon activities, has advised it will cease administering Part 131 recreational activities and issuing pilot authorisations from 2 December 2023. We are proposing to amend Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 95.54. This will empower CASA to issue recreational pilot authorisations for Part 131 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) aircraft. This amendment will affect all... More
    Closed 25 September 2023
  • Proposed modular licensing framework for aircraft maintenance engineers - (CD 2309MS)

    We are seeking your input on proposed changes to the Part 66 Manual of Standards (MOS) that would allow us to introduce ‘modular’ licensing for aircraft engineers. This is designed to help address the shortage of licensed aircraft maintenance engineers (LAMEs) by making it easier for people to obtain a licence or return to the profession after a long absence. It will also assist foreign licence holders seeking a qualification to work in Australia. Feedback from the... More
    Closed 12 October 2023
  • Airspace review - Pilbara Region, Western Australia

    We want your feedback on the draft report of the Pilbara region airspace review. The airspace review, conducted by CASA's Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR), evaluated the airspace within 100 nautical miles (NM) of Coondewanna airport (YCWA) from the surface to Flight Level (FL) 125. It also assessed the risks identified in safety incident reports provided by the air navigation service provider and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau. Background In 2020 we... More
    Closed 16 October 2023
  • Proposal to amend the aeroplane TAWS rules - (CD 2311OS)

    We want your feedback on a proposed change to the rules on the fitment of Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems (TAWS) in small turbine-engine aeroplanes. The consultation relates to Part 121 and 135 turbine-engine aeroplanes with a maximum take-off weight of 5700kg or less and that either: have a maximum operational passenger seat configuration between 10-13 seats or carry 10 or more persons. Under the new Part 121 and Part 135... More
    Closed 24 October 2023
  • Proposed charges for GA maintenance rules regulatory services – (CD 2317MS)

    As part of our General Aviation Workplan , we are committed to establish new Part 43 maintenance regulations specifically for general aviation. The Australian Government’s cost recovery policy is that, where appropriate, recipients of government services should be charged some or all of the costs of those activities. We want your feedback on proposed amendments to the Civil Aviation (Fees) Regulations 1995 to include the Part 43 fees schedule. This will enable... More
    Closed 6 November 2023
  • Proposed instrument (CASA EX105/23) — Part 105 (Parachute Operators and Pilots) Instrument 2023 (CD 2310OS)

    We want your feedback on our proposal to rectify unintended consequences in the rules that apply to parachuting from aircraft. Proposed instrument, CASA EX105/23 - Part 105 (Parachute Operators and Pilots), aims to resolve unintended consequences of Part 105 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR). It aims to minimise, and in some cases remove, financial and operational costs to parachuting organisations and industry while continuing to provide for... More
    Closed 13 November 2023
  • Access to Class C and Class D controlled airspace for sport and recreation aircraft – (DP 2314OS)

    We are seeking your input to help with our ongoing work to achieve safe, efficient and equitable access to controlled airspace and controlled aerodromes. Your feedback and ideas will assist us to consider the options for increasing sport and recreational opportunities as part of our General Aviation Workplan . The aviation community has told us that sport and recreational aviation’s access to controlled airspace is too restricted. Through the General Aviation Workplan,... More
    Closed 17 November 2023
  • Class 5 medical self-declaration - (PP 2302FS)

    We are seeking your feedback on a new Class 5 medical self-declaration policy. It will allow private pilots to self-assess and self-declare without requiring a medical assessment if they meet fitness requirements and operate in accordance with specified operational limitations. The policy aims to improve accessibility to a streamlined medical self-certification pathway for the general aviation and recreational aviation community. To support the implementation of the new... More
    Closed 17 November 2023
  • Proposed amendments to Civil Aviation Orders (CAO 95-series) - Gyroplanes and other measures - (CD 2315SS)

    We want your feedback on proposed changes to ensure the rules for sport and recreation aircraft (including gyroplanes) work as intended. When the flight operations regulations commenced in December 2021, several 95-series Civil Aviation Orders (CAOs) were amended to ensure their correct functioning under those regulations (mainly Part 91 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR)). To resolve issues and ensure Part 149 of CASR (Approved self-administering... More
    Closed 20 November 2023
  • Global reporting format and Part 139 Miscellaneous Amendments - (CD 2313AS)

    Runway safety, particularly runway excursions, is one of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) top aviation safety priorities. The third most common landing excursion risk factor is ineffective braking action, which can occur when there are contaminants on the runway such as snow, ice, slush or water. This risk factor is confirmed by the main aircraft manufacturers and the Flight Safety Foundation. To address the issue, the ICAO Friction Task Force developed a... More
    Closed 27 November 2023
  • BVLOS drone operations in regional Australia

    This important survey will help us to build a snapshot of the current and future use of lower-risk beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) drone operations in Australia. This survey is for anyone that operates or intends to operate drones BVLOS. We especially want to hear from the agricultural sector who could benefit from the use of drones operated BVLOS in activities such as spray management, mustering, farm and land management, or related agricultural outcomes. ... More
    Closed 8 December 2023
  • Proposed Part 101 MOS – Chief RePL Instructor assessment fee - (SPC 2319US)

    We're seeking your views on a proposed regulatory services fee for the assessment of an application for a new Chief Remote Pilot Licence Instructor (CRI). After considering industry feedback, we have found the qualification requirements for Remote Pilot Licence (RePL) instructors outlined in Part 101 (Unmanned Aircraft and Rockets) Manual of Standards (MOS) 2019 , are more detailed than necessary for the intended purpose. These requirements are set to take effect on 10 April 2024.... More
    Closed 18 January 2024
  • Carbon monoxide safety awareness survey (pilots and operators)

    Are you the registered operator or pilot of a piston engine aircraft? If so, we want to hear from you! CASA is launching a safety education campaign focusing on carbon monoxide (CO) awareness. To support the safety campaign, we invite you to tell us about your: knowledge of carbon monoxide (CO) carbon monoxide detector use in piston engine aircraft. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. The information and... More
    Closed 18 February 2024
  • Carbon monoxide safety awareness survey (maintenance engineers)

    Are you a maintenance engineer who works on piston engine aircraft? If so, we want to hear from you! CASA is launching a safety education campaign focusing on carbon monoxide (CO) awareness in piston engine aircraft, targeting pilots and maintenance personnel. To support the campaign, we invite you to participate in a 5 minute online survey that asks about your knowledge of carbon monoxide, and the processes you undertake to identify CO leaks during... More
    Closed 25 February 2024
193 results. Page 6 of 7