202 results
Flight Safety Australia - feedback survey 2020
Flight Safety Australia is CASA’s flagship aviation safety magazine. Take our survey to help us better provide the kind of publication you want! Whether you are a current reader, or have never read it at all, we want your feedback. The survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. About Flight Safety Australia Flight Safety Australia offers credible, informative and comprehensive content on all key aviation safety issues—safety... MoreOpened 24 June 2020 -
Tranche 1 - Proposed new Part 121 MOS – Australian Air Transport Operations - Larger Aeroplanes - (CD 2007OS)
Part 121 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) – Australian air transport operations – larger aeroplanes, and its Manual of Standards (MOS) will contain the specific safety rules for air transport operations in larger aeroplanes. The rules in this consultation will apply to persons and operators who conduct multi-engine aeroplane air transport operations (including passenger, cargo and medical transport operations) with a maximum operational passenger seating capacity... MoreOpened 16 June 2020 -
Draft AC 139.C-02 v1.0 - Aerodrome personnel
An amendment to Part 139 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) was made on 21 February 2019. Effective 22 August 2020, the amended Part 139 of CASR: establishes a single certification framework for regulated aerodromes (certified) mandates that an aerodrome must be certified based on the publication of a terminal instrument flight procedure sets out the standards for the construction, maintenance and operation of... MoreOpened 12 June 2020 -
Proposed transitional policies for flight operations regulations – (PP 1918OS)
Specific transitional rules are required to change from the existing rules to the new rules governing flight operations that commence in December 2021. These transitional rules are formally referred to as the consequential, application, transitional and savings or ‘CATS’ regulations. This consultation is seeking feedback on the policies that, once legally drafted, will become the CATS regulations. Background A suite of new Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) ... MoreOpened 2 June 2020 -
Proposed amendment to Part 61 Manual of Standards - Spin avoidance and stall recovery training - (CD 1913FS)
Recovery from departures from controlled flight—in particular stall and spin—has long been a required competency in flight training and is described in the Part 61 Manual of Standards (MOS). Recent fatal accidents have highlighted the need to remind pilots, flight instructors and flight training operators of the risks associated with stall and spin training, and to review flight training practices in Australia and worldwide. The present practice of ‘incipient spin’ training and... MoreOpened 26 May 2020 -
Proposed new Manual of Standards Part 138 (Aerial Work Operations) and regulation amendments – (CD 1919OS)
This consultation closes on 3 June 2020. If you are unable to meet this timeframe and would still like to provide feedback, please contact regulatoryconsultation@casa.gov.au before the consultation period closes. Part 138 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) - Aerial Work Operations and its Manual of Standards (MOS) are designed to address the safety risk of current and future aerial work operations. The rules will apply to people and operators who conduct aerial work... MoreOpened 30 April 2020 -
Extended use of CASA Basics exams and Schedule of Experience (SOE) to qualify for a Part 66 aircraft engineer licence - (CD 2008MS)
The current COVID-19 travel and social distancing restrictions have affected the practical aspects of training and a candidate’s ability to sit exams. As a result, we recently announced a range of measures, including an extension for use of CASA Basics and schedule of experience (SOE), to help industry during the current changing and unprecedented COVID-19 environment. The Part 66 transitional arrangements put in place under regulation 202.345 of CASR and specific... MoreOpened 29 April 2020 -
Preliminary Airspace Review Dubbo 2020
The Office of Airspace Regulation is conducting a review of the airspace within the Dubbo region in New South Wales. The review will evaluate the fitness for purpose of the airspace within 20 nautical miles radius of Dubbo City Regional Airport (YSDU) from the surface up to 8,500 feet. CASA is required to conduct regular reviews of Australian-administered airspace under the Airspace Act. The Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) is responsible for conducting these... MoreOpened 3 March 2020 -
Draft AC 66-08 v1.0 - Part 66 aircraft engineer licences - privileges
This is the initial advisory circular (AC) for Part 66 aircraft engineer licences - privileges. This AC provides information and guidance to current and future holders of a Part 66 aircraft maintenance engineer licence and maintenance organisations, on the privileges of each category of a Part 66 licence. This advisory circular (AC) applies to: licensed aircraft maintenance engineers (LAMEs) approved maintenance organisations (AMOs) (Part 145 of the Civil... MoreOpened 2 March 2020 -
Preliminary Airspace Review Pilbara 2020
The Office of Airspace Regulation is conducting a review of the Pilbara basin in Western Australia. The review will evaluate the fitness for purpose of the airspace within 100 nautical miles radius of Coondewanna airport (YCWA) from the surface up to Flight Level 180. CASA is required to conduct regular reviews of Australian-administered airspace under the Airspace Act. The Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) is responsible for conducting these... MoreOpened 27 February 2020 -
Amended TAF rules – Ceasing TTF product from BOM (CD 2002OS)
The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) is proposing to cease issuing the Trend Forecast (TTF) as a meteorological forecast product for aviation users on 13 August 2020. The TTF is an aerodrome weather report, plus a forecast of meteorological conditions expected to affect the aerodrome for the validity period of the TTF, which is normally 3 hours following the time of the report. The forecast covers the elements of wind, visibility, low-level turbulence, weather and cloud. TTFs are provided for... MoreOpened 27 February 2020 -
New standards for Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) equipment for VFR aircraft - (CD 1905AS)
Amendments to: Civil Aviation Order 20.18 and instrument no. CASA 61/14 CASA is proposing to amend the standards and requirements for Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) technology used in aircraft operated under the visual flight rules (VFR). The proposal would expand the existing standards to permit the use of lower cost ADS-B equipment that could, on a voluntary basis, be used in VFR aircraft - primarily to enhance situation awareness and therefore improve... MoreOpened 12 February 2020 -
Proposed Part 139 (aerodromes) transition strategy - (PP 1916AS)
In order to facilitate a smooth transition for aerodrome operators to the new rule set, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has given a great deal of consideration to providing reasonable timelines and balance in terms of meeting the new regulatory requirements, while avoiding undue burden on existing aerodrome operators. Our objective is to ensure aerodromes can continue to operate while transition activities are undertaken. We are proposing delaying some of the new regulatory... MoreOpened 3 February 2020 -
Draft report - Avalon 2019 preliminary airspace review
The Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) is now seeking industry feedback on the draft preliminary airspace review of Avalon. This follows on from the Preliminary Airspace Review Avalon 2019 conducted last year. Further information about airspace regulation and the airspace change process is available on the CASA website. The draft review is available at the bottom of this page under the Related Documents heading. We suggest you right click and open in a new tab or... MoreOpened 13 January 2020 -
Draft AC 61-16 v1.0 - Spin avoidance and stall recovery training
The purpose of this Advisory Circular (AC) is to highlight to flight training operators and instructors, the risks associated with advanced stalling training, when conducted in aircraft that are not certified for intentional spins and minimize the potential for negative transfer of training. The induction of spins in aircraft not certified for spinning has been occurring in the flying training context. It is possible this is due to the confounding of the definitions of the words... MoreOpened 18 December 2019 -
Draft report - Darwin 2019 preliminary airspace review
The Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) is now seeking industry feedback on the draft preliminary airspace review of Darwin. This follows on from the Preliminary Airspace Review Darwin 2019 conducted earlier this year on our Consultation Hub . Further information about airspace regulation and the airspace change process is available on the CASA website. The draft review is available at the bottom of this page under the Related Documents heading. We suggest you... MoreOpened 13 December 2019 -
Policy proposal - Continuing airworthiness management and maintenance for future air transport operations - (PP 1915SS)
CASA is seeking your feedback on a policy proposal to complete continuing airworthiness regulation reform for the current charter sector, and to support the transition of regular public transport (RPT) and charter operations into the future air transport flight operations regulations, commencing March 2021. Proposed policy changes The proposal primarily sets out continuing airworthiness management and maintenance policies for operators, maintenance providers and people providing... MoreOpened 22 November 2019 -
Draft AC 139.A-03 v1.0 - Application of aerodrome standards and Draft AC 139.B-01 v1.0 - Applying for aerodrome certification (Part 139 consequential ACs)
An amendment to Part 139 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) was made on 21 February 2019. Effective 22 August 2020, the amended Part 139 of CASR: establishes a single certification framework for regulated aerodromes (certified) mandates that an aerodrome must be certified based on the publication of a terminal instrument flight procedure sets out the standards for the construction, maintenance and operation of certified... MoreOpened 12 November 2019 -
Jandakot visual reporting points
The Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) within CASA is currently assessing the visual reporting points of Oakford and Brick Works near Jandakot Airport, Western Australia. Two new visual reporting points were introduced in the May 2019 AIRAC Cycle. The changes came from a recommendation in the aeronautical review of Perth conducted in 2017. MoreOpened 2 October 2019 -
Proposed amendment to protection and use of safety information - Civil Aviation Orders 82.3 and 82.5 - (CD 1914FS)
CASA is seeking feedback on proposed changes to Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 82.3 and 82.5 which will: enhance the protection of safety data, safety information and their sources facilitate the continued availability of safety data and information to maintain or improve aviation safety clarify the definition of safety information in relation to the protective objectives reflected in the proposed amendments ensure application of ‘just... MoreOpened 24 September 2019 -
Proposed new rules for sport and recreational aviation operations - Part 103 - (CD 1910OS)
A proposed new set of regulations have been developed for sport and recreational aircraft administered by sports aviation bodies. These new rules cover flight operations, training and maintenance and are contained within the new Part 103 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR). These proposed rules will replace and consolidate the various exemptions from regulations that currently apply to private sport and recreation flying administered by sport aviation bodies. ... MoreOpened 11 September 2019 -
Proposed new rules for manned free balloons and hot air airships - Part 131 - (CD 1907OS)
The proposed new regulations in the Part 131 Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR) apply to tethered gas balloons and balloons that are intended for free flight under the control of a pilot including: hot air balloons hot air airships gas balloons mixed gas/hot air balloons. Learn more about Part 131 aircraft More Information Hot air airships will be regulated alongside hot air balloons under Part 131. ... MoreOpened 10 September 2019 -
Proposed new rules for parachuting from aircraft - Part 105 - (CD 1909OS)
The proposed parachuting regulations have been designed to be a discrete rule set for parachuting activities – a new Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) Part 105. There are relatively few rules within the Part 105, largely consolidating existing requirements – for operations, maintenance, personnel, aircraft and equipment. Full details are included in the documents available under “Related” section below. Where new requirements have been introduced, they... MoreOpened 4 September 2019 -
Proposed amendment to Part 66 Manual of Standards aircraft engineer licensing training - (CD 1908SS)
We are proposing to amend the Part 66 Manual of Standards (MOS) to introduce a new ‘self-study’ training and examination pathway that leads to the grant of a Part 66 aircraft engineer licence. The proposed new pathway is an alternative to the current requirement to undertake licence category training via a Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation. It will be similar to the CASA Basics examinations/Schedule of Experience scheme that existed under the previous CAR 31 licensing... MoreOpened 30 August 2019 -
Maximum Take-Off Weight increase for aeroplanes managed by an approved self-administering aviation organisation (ASAO) - (DP 1912SS)
This Discussion Paper explores the policy proposition that an Approved Self Administering Aviation Organisation (ASAO) may administer aeroplanes with a MTOW greater than 600 kg up to a maximum of 760 kg, and that they conduct only recreational activities or flying training on the basis that the organisation demonstrates to CASA a capability of maintaining an acceptable level of aviation safety. The premise for discussion is for a change to the MTOW limitations that currently apply to... MoreOpened 30 August 2019 -
Draft CAAP 48-01 v3.0 – Fatigue management for flight crew members
Following extensive consultation with the aviation community, we have finalised the new fatigue rules under Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 48.1 Instrument 2019. Links to the latest rules and a summary of consultation, including CASA’s rationale for the changes are available below: Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 48.1 Instrument 2019 Summary of consultation on Modernising Australia’s fatigue rules - proposed CAO 48.1 Instrument 2019 - (CD 1811OS) ... MoreOpened 16 August 2019 -
Proposed changes to the dangerous goods rules – amendment to CASR Part 92 - (PP 1902OS)
CASA is seeking feedback on changes to Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) Part 92 – Consignment and carriage of dangerous goods by air. We would like your comments on the detailed policy before it is drafted into regulations. The changes aim to improve and update the regulations, making them easier to understand and comply with. This includes: changing provisions where interpretation has caused difficulties changing provisions which are difficult to... MoreOpened 7 August 2019 -
Give us your thoughts on our product OnTrack
The OnTrack website was a safety education resource first published by CASA in 2010. It was designed to assist pilots plan flight routes and operate safely in and around controlled airspace at 13 aerodromes around Australia. Due to the many navigational changes at the locations found on OnTrack, the website is no longer available. MoreOpened 10 July 2019 -
Preliminary Airspace Review Broome and Karratha 2019
The airspace in the vicinity of Broome and Karratha, Western Australia, is currently being reviewed to determine if the current airspace structure around their respective aerodromes is appropriate and safe for aviation activity. The review will assess the fitness for purpose of the airspace within 75 nautical miles (NM) of both Broome and Karratha aerodromes from the surface, up to Flight Level 180 (FL180). The Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) within CASA manages the... MoreOpened 21 June 2019 -
Preliminary Airspace Review Darwin 2019
The airspace in the vicinity of Darwin, Northern Territory, is currently being reviewed to determine if the current airspace structure around Darwin aerodrome is appropriate and safe for aviation activity. The review will assess the suitability of the airspace from ground level to 6500 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) within 40 Nautical Miles (NM) of Darwin aerodrome and the risks related to aircraft incidents. The Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) within CASA manages... MoreOpened 5 June 2019
202 results.
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