Flight Safety Australia readers' survey

Closed 6 Aug 2017

Opened 18 Jul 2017

Feedback updated 15 Sep 2017

We asked

In August 2017, we surveyed readers of Flight Safety Australia (FSA) magazine about their preferences for delivery and frequency of FSA, which since 2012, has been delivered electronically, via an app for tablets, and the flightsafetyaustralia.com website. We wanted to assess reader’s preferences before making any changes to the magazine’s content and how it’s delivered.

You said

Our readers said they felt the balance was about right in the coverage of aviation safety issues but would like to see more close calls and accident reports. They also said they wanted aviation safety information more often from the current bi-monthly app and news stories most days.

We did

From January we are going to increase the frequency of articles including close calls and accident reports, with new stories every week and a monthly edition to download as well as topical news stories published daily on the news site.

Results updated 15 Sep 2017

Ideal publication frequency - most prefer FSA content to be published monthly


FSA survey results - visual/audio enhancements predominantly help people understand content

Learn more on the Flight Safety Australia news site.


Flight Safety Australia is the Civil Aviation Safety Authority’s (CASA’s) flagship aviation safety magazine. It offers credible, informative and comprehensive content on all key aviation safety issues—safety management systems, maintenance, runway safety, human factors, airspace, training, aviation medicine—and more. You can read it in two ways: download the bi-monthly issue on the tablet app, or go to the Flight Safety Australia news site, which provides the latest aviation safety news and exclusive updates as well as the articles in the bi-monthly issues of the magazine.


Image of Flight Safety Australia App and News site

Why your views matter

Since 2012, Flight Safety Australia has been delivered electronically via the magazine app for tablets and the flightsafetyaustralia.com website. We are now looking at refreshing the content, style and frequency of this publication and would appreciate 10 minutes of your time to complete this survey.

The first 50 readers to respond will receive a Flight Safety Australia tablet cover (subject to the terms and conditions published below).


  • CASA Staff
  • Aerodrome operator
  • Air operators
  • Airworthiness organisations
  • Flight instructors and flight examiners
  • Flight training operators
  • Engineers
  • Manufacturers
  • Pilots
  • Sport and recreation operators/clubs
  • Hot air balloon operators
  • Designated Aviation Medical Examiner (DAME)
  • Air traffic controller/s
  • Drone operators
  • Foreign operator
  • Traveling public/passengers


  • Airworthiness / maintenance
  • Drones/uncrewed aircraft systems
  • Airspace and infrastructure
  • Sport and recreational aviation
  • Air travel
  • Dangerous goods
  • Drug and alcohol management
  • Emergencies and incident reporting
  • Fatigue management
  • Hazards
  • Health
  • Human factors
  • Safety management systems
  • Licensing
  • Operational standards
  • Aircraft certification and design
  • Flight training
  • Limited category aircraft
  • Aviation medicine
  • Cabin safety