Response 668784196

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Your feedback on proposal to change initial helicopter pilot licence training requirements (1714FS)

6. Do you support the proposal that allows an applicant to qualify for a CPL(H) with 105 hours of helicopter flight training?

Do you support the proposal that allows an applicant to qualify for a CPL(H) with 105 hours of helicopter experience, after completing an approved course that includes a CPL(H) training module?
Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Please provide comments as to why you answered yes or no.
The additional cost to the pilot is extreme compared to a fixed wing pilot

7. Do you support the proposal to conduct this training in an organisation approved under Part 141 of CASR?

Do you support the proposal to conduct this training in an organisation approved under Part 141 of CASR?
Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

8. Basic instrument flight training is an international licensing requirement for the PPL(H) and CPL(H). Do you support the removal of basic instrument flight training from RPL navigation endorsement, the PPL(H) and CPL(H) licensing standards in Part 61?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

9. Do you agree with the parameters below for the 105 hour course?

A minimum of 30 hours of flight training must be completed within the final three months of the course.
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Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
No more than two types of helicopter are used in the course.
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Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
At least 20 hours of training must be completed in each type of helicopter used in the course.
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Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
The first 15 hours of training must be completed in the same type of helicopter.
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Radio button: Unticked Agree
Radio button: Ticked Disagree

10. Do you agree with the licensing criteria in the proposal for the 105 hour CPL(H) as follows?

At least 105 hours of flight time as pilot of a helicopter.
Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
At least 40 hours of dual flight time in a helicopter
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Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
At least 35 hours of flight time as pilot in command of a helicopter.
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Radio button: Unticked Disagree
At least 25 hours of flight time as pilot in command of a helicopter other than cross-country flight time.
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Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
At least 10 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot in command of a helicopter.
Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree