Response 968502908

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Submitting your feedback and key questions answered

Are the potential benefits to aviation safety mentioned in the DP likely to be realised by implementing this proposal?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes they are likely to be realised
Radio button: Unticked No they are not likely to be realised (please specify why below)
Radio button: Unticked I don't know

Are the potential benefits to the aviation community mentioned in this DP likely to be realised by implementing this proposal?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes they are likely to be realised
Radio button: Unticked No they are not likely to be realised (please specify why below)
Radio button: Unticked I don't know

Do you consider the overall effect of the proposal on the aviation community to be positive or negative for private recreational aviation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Positively (please specify how below)
Radio button: Unticked Negatively (please specify how below)
Radio button: Unticked Not applicable

Do the changes mentioned in the proposal affect you as an individual positively or negatively?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Positively (please specify how below)
Radio button: Unticked Negatively (please specify how below)
Radio button: Unticked Not applicable

Options for discussion

Please indicate below which option you prefer.

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked I agree with option 1
Radio button: Ticked I agree with option 2
Radio button: Unticked Other option

General Comments

Do you have any additional comments about the proposed Maximum Take-Off Weight increase for aeroplanes managed by an ASAO.

For many modern recreational aircraft, the increase in MTOW will allow for a full tank of fuel when carrying a passenger. This alone will greatly increase saftety.