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Principal changes
Feedback on principal changes proposed.
Please provide any comments you may have on the principal changes proposed.
This is a cost saving exercise that will impact safety for operators, impact stress on LAMEs and the work environment and family’s and cost CASA jobs in reduction of staff through less overall supervision of the industry, we will lose CASA inspectors and expertise, this proposal is as bad as allowing owner operators to carry out their own maintenance, the increase in recent incidents is a reflexion on this.
Policy topic 1 - responsibilities of the registered operator
Please provide any comments you may have on the proposed policy.
If our current system is not broken, please don’t change it, stop trying to save money.
Repairs, modifications, maintenance records and operation after maintenance.
Please provide any comments you may have on the proposed policy.
FAR rules will increase problems for LAMEs and company’s are already trying to lower the maintenance standards to lower costs. Let’s set the bar high and do better, not lower standards
Policy topic 2 - Responsibilities of a maintainer
Please provide any comments you may have on the proposed policy.
As a Avionics LAME with over 40 years of experience this is a nightmare proposal, it was bad enough given B1 avionics extensions after a few weeks training and not a full apprenticeship, this fraught with a potential serious accident occurring, the poor LAMEs caught in this will be hung out to dry, also how long before this is pushed onto Civil Aviation to save costs, ( its a bit like the YouTube video of the African soldiers given a chimpanzee a AK47, they nearly get killed)
Policy topic 3 - Maintenance performance rules
Please provide any comments you may have on the proposed policy.
Please leave the current system alone, I believe our maintenance standards are higher, this will cost CASA jobs
Policy topic 4 - Who can perform or supervise maintenance and authorise a return to service
Please provide any comments you may have on the proposed policy.
How long before a non hands on LAME manager/Administrator under pressure is forced by commercial pressure to sign off these RTS.
Also the LAME who carried out tasks should be the one certifying RTS without commercial pressure.
Also the LAME who carried out tasks should be the one certifying RTS without commercial pressure.
Policy topic 5 - Inspection authorisation
Please provide any comments you may have on the proposed policy.
A&P is not a standard we should be emulating here in Australia, I agree some A/P standards can be high.
But we have gone down the EASA route, let’s have a half and half standard, stick with our current standard, increase the GA standards to CA traning standards, this will give all CASA inspectors and LAMEs a clear standard to follow, it will set a common ground across the whole of Australia aviation.
But we have gone down the EASA route, let’s have a half and half standard, stick with our current standard, increase the GA standards to CA traning standards, this will give all CASA inspectors and LAMEs a clear standard to follow, it will set a common ground across the whole of Australia aviation.
Policy topic 6 - Manual of standards - additional detail
Please provide any comments you may have on the proposed policy.
Increase all standards to stay conformed with our current rules , employ more CASA inspectors, don’t go down the FAR route
General comments
Do you have any additional comments about the proposed policy?
I really think this is a cost saving exercise, my comments are valid, but I think you will go down this route no matter what LAMEs who carry out the maintenance propose, again it will lead to lower standards and cost CASA jobs in administion and Inpectors.