Response 392601659

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Restorair P/L

Principal changes

Feedback on principal changes proposed.

Please provide any comments you may have on the principal changes proposed.
Current LAMES should not need to pass an exam to become an IA as well. They should be able to just prove the scope of work they have been doing and that they have been issuing maintenance releases to satisfy being an IA. Then they can be the same as every one else and choose what options to renew their IA every two years.

Policy topic 1 - responsibilities of the registered operator


Please provide any comments you may have on the proposed policy.
This is the best way.

Repairs, modifications, maintenance records and operation after maintenance.

Please provide any comments you may have on the proposed policy.
These are the best and allow work to just get done.

Policy topic 5 - Inspection authorisation


Please provide any comments you may have on the proposed policy.
I think the following does need to be considered. Even after the two year transition.
Current LAMES should not need to pass an exam to become an IA as well. They should be able to just prove the scope of work they have been doing and that they have been issuing maintenance releases to satisfy being an IA. Then they can be the same as every one else and choose what options to renew their IA every two years.