Response 1017245120

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Oi Studios

Aeronautical knowledge standards and guide

Question 1. Consider the aeronautical knowledge standards.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked Yes with changes (please provide suggested changes below)
Radio button: Unticked No (please explain why and provide alternative suggestions below)
Radio button: Unticked Undecided / Not my area of expertise

Question 2. Consider each section of the aeronautical knowledge standards.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked Yes with changes (please provide suggested changes below)
Radio button: Unticked No (please explain why and provide alternative suggestions below)
Radio button: Unticked Undecided / Not my area of expertise

BVLOS Examination Guide

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes, I am satisfied
Radio button: Unticked No (please provide any alternative suggestions below)
Radio button: Unticked Undecided / Not my area of expertise

BVLOS OCTA examination fee

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Agree
Radio button: Unticked Disagree
Radio button: Unticked Neutral