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Feedback on the proposed changes to the implementation of a recreational drone (model aircraft) registration and operator accreditation scheme
Proposed policy change 1.
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Proposed policy change 2.
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Proposed policy change 3.
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Proposed policy change 4.
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Proposed policy change 5.
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Proposed policy change 6.
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Please provide any comments you may have on proposed policy change 6.
A yearly registration period and a possible/likely levy, would create a significant barrier to the recreation, unless there were assurances of keeping the levy at nil, or providing another means of registering aircraft/drones less frequently.
Annual registration is likely to lead to many unregistered aircraft/drones being flown after the first year, as most recreational users will have no incentive to update their registration.
Annual registration is likely to lead to many unregistered aircraft/drones being flown after the first year, as most recreational users will have no incentive to update their registration.
General comments
In principle, I do not oppose registration for recreational aircraft/drones but do think that an annual registration along with a possible/likely levy will deter many pilots from registering and keeping their registrations up-to-date, and will result in a large number of unregistered aircraft/drones being flown.
These are the normal requirements for professional or commercial aircraft/drones, and their pilots are used to them, but not for recreational plots who do not understand the need for this type of compliance.
Any registration process for recreational pilots must be simple, straightforward and cheap if CASA wants to see a high percentage of aircraft/drones registered.
These are the normal requirements for professional or commercial aircraft/drones, and their pilots are used to them, but not for recreational plots who do not understand the need for this type of compliance.
Any registration process for recreational pilots must be simple, straightforward and cheap if CASA wants to see a high percentage of aircraft/drones registered.