Response 920682816

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Recreational Aviation Australia

Amended TAF rules - BoM withdrawal of TTF service

Question 1: Would the proposed amendment to the TAF rules and the use of the TAF3, achieve a similar safety outcome as the existing combination of the TTF and TAF products?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked Yes, with changes (please specify below)
Radio button: Unticked No (please specify why below)
Recreational private and training operations are unlikely to be affected by the change.

Question 2: Would the proposed amendment to the TAF rules provide a similar economic cost as currently occurs under the existing TTF rules?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked Yes, with changes (please specify below)
Radio button: Unticked No (please specify why below)

Question 3: Would the proposed amendment to the TAF rules impact other aspects of aviation operations as a result of either the proposed changes to the forecasting products from BoM, or the AIP amendments by CASA?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes (please specify in what way below)
Radio button: Ticked No (please specify why below)
The proposed TAF amendment will not have any obvious impact on current or future RAAus operations.

General comments

Do you have any additional comments about the proposed rule amendment?
