Proposed new rules for sport and recreational aviation operations - Part 103 - (CD 1910OS)

Closed 30 Sep 2019

Opened 11 Sep 2019

Results updated 10 Dec 2019

On 11 September 2019, CASA published the 'Proposed new rules for sport and recreational aviation operations - Part 103 (CD1910OS)' consultation document.

It set out the proposed regulatory framework, including a limited number of specific operational rules, for sport and recreational aircraft that are presently operated in accordance with certain 95-series Civil Aviation Orders (CAOs).

The consultation closed on 30 September 2019 and the proposed regulations have been modified to reflect the feedback received from organisations and individuals.


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


A proposed new set of regulations have been developed for sport and recreational aircraft administered by sports aviation bodies. These new rules cover flight operations, training and maintenance and are contained within the new Part 103 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR).

These proposed rules will replace and consolidate the various exemptions from regulations that currently apply to private sport and recreation flying administered by sport aviation bodies.

Part 103 will complement other new CASR regulations that come into effect in March 2021 and ensure that activities conducted in the sport and recreation sector are able to continue largely unchanged from current requirements.

New requirements specified in Part 103 are relatively minor. They include:

  • reporting of major defects identified by operators
  • fitting of data plates to aircraft not already fitted
  • provisions for the towing of Part 103 aircraft by other aircraft
  • a prohibition on smoking and the provision and consumption of alcohol

The proposed regulations make provision for a Part 103 Manual of Standards (MOS) which is intended to be introduced in 2020. The MOS will be developed in collaboration with industry and subject to a separate public consultation.

How Part 103 fits with other regulations

From 25 March 2021, the baseline rules that will apply for all flight operations are in CASR Part 91 - General operating and flight rules.

Part 103 will work in conjunction with those rules in much the same way that current sport and recreation operations are conducted under the applicable Civil Aviation Regulations and Civil Aviation Orders.

Importantly, Part 103 will not apply to aircraft used for air transport, aerial work, limited category aircraft or balloons – which have their own CASR parts. Parasails are also not covered in will remain exempt from CASR.

The proposed Part 103 of CASR provides the complementary operational requirements for sport and recreational aviation activities that will be administered by Approved Self-Administering Aviation Organisations (ASAOs) approved under CASR Part 149 as Part 103 ASAOs.

CASA expects that individual members of these organisations will not need to change their existing operational practices, other than those practices affected by the commencement of Part 91.

Why your views matter

We are consulting to ensure that the proposed rules are clearly articulated and will work in practice and as they are intended. This consultation is seeking feedback on the proposed new rules for sport and recreational aviation operations regulations.

To make it simpler for the sport and recreation community, CASA is considering the development of a plain English guide that consolidates the relevant provisions of Part 91, Part 103 and Part 103 MOS in one easy to read document. Your feedback on this proposal is also sought.

Documents for review

The Summary of proposed change on CD 1910OS and Draft Part 103 of CASR – Sport and recreational aircraft, are provided below in the ‘Related’ section. This section includes a downloadable MS Word copy of this consultation for ease of distribution and feedback within your organisation.

Providing your feedback

Submissions for this consultation will only be accepted through the Consultation Hub. If you run into any difficulties, please contact .

General comments and file upload option

There is a general comments box at the end of the consultation, into which you can place your comments on matters related to the regulatory amendment, which have not already been addressed in the consultation.

Note: Due to IT security policies, documents or files can no longer be automatically uploaded with your submission. If you have a document you would like attached to your submission, please email

Using an iPad

If you are using an iPad to complete the survey you will be asked to 'download the relevant PDF'. Depending on the software you have on your iPad you may need to download the free viewer to review the single document PDF files. Where a file is a 'multi-file or portfolio PDF you will need to source the Adobe free view - available from iTunes.

What happens next

Once the consultation has closed, we will register and review each submission received through the online response form. We will make all submissions publicly available on the Consultation Hub, unless you request your submission remain confidential. We will also publish a Summary of Consultation which summarises the feedback received and outlines any intended changes and details our plans for the regulation.

Information about how we consult and how to make a confidential submission is available on the CASA website.

To be notified of any future consultations, you can subscribe to our consultation and rulemaking mailing list.


  • CASA Staff
  • Airworthiness organisations
  • Flight instructors and flight examiners
  • Flight training operators
  • Manufacturers
  • Pilots
  • Sport and recreation operators/clubs
  • Air traffic controller/s
  • Sport and recreational aircraft maintainers
  • Gliding clubs


  • Airworthiness / maintenance
  • Sport and recreational aviation
  • Drug and alcohol management
  • Operational standards
  • Aircraft certification and design
  • Flight training
  • Cabin safety