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191 results

  • New multi-part AC for all-weather operations at aerodromes

    We would like your feedback on the new draft multi-part advisory circular (AC) on all-weather operations (AWO) at aerodromes. This multi-part AC will replace existing AC 139-19 - All-weather operations on aerodromes and will complement AC 91-11 - Aeroplane low visibility operations - conduct and approvals. An AWO involves an operation on an aerodrome (surface movement, take-off, departure, approach or landing) in conditions where visual reference is limited by weather... More
    Closed 12 March 2024
  • Safety promotion in aircraft maintenance sector

    We want your input to help us refresh and improve safety promotion for the aircraft maintenance sector. Tell us about the ways you get your safety messaging and the topics that matter to you by taking this short 3-minute survey. Have your say by 24 March 2024. More
    Closed 24 March 2024
  • Flight crew licensing scheme - Draft Advisory Circular 61-01 v1.0

    We want your feedback on a new draft advisory circular (AC) that provides guidance on the structure and application of the flight crew licensing system. The rules for flight crew licensing are contained in Part 61 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR). The draft advisory circular covers all aspects of Part 61 flight crew licensing and training, including the rationale for licences, ratings, and endorsements (Part 61... More
    Closed 10 April 2024
  • Colour vision deficiency testing process for pilots - (CD 2404FS)

    Medical certification for pilots with colour vision deficiency requires an assessment against the medical standards in Part 67 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) using a series of tests. A final determination as to whether a pilot meets the medical standard includes the opportunity to be assessed using an operational assessment. The process for this assessment requires a standardised approach to ensure the assessments are valid and reliable for a safe... More
    Closed 14 April 2024
  • CASA digital badge program - share your views

    In 2023, CASA teamed up with Credly to introduce a digital badge program. These digital badges aim to recognise pilots' dedication to continuous professional development and safety education through their participation in CASA's AvSafety webinars. More
    Closed 26 April 2024
  • Ballina airspace concept – Class C and Class D proposal

    To support the introduction of controlled airspace around Ballina, CASA is seeking feedback on a proposal to use Class C instead of Class D airspace between 4500 feet and 8500 feet. The feedback will help finalise a draft airspace design prior to further consultation with industry and the community soon. Background Airspace around Ballina Airport will be controlled by air traffic controllers from 2025 as CASA and Airservices Australia move to develop services... More
    Closed 6 June 2024
  • Guidelines for heliports - design and operation - Draft Advisory Circular 139.R-01 v3.0

    We would like your feedback on amendments to our guidance for the design and operation of heliports in advisory circular (AC) 139.R-01. The amendments to AC 139.R-01 include: a new ‘General’ subsection (5.2.1) in section 5.2 – Markings and markers a new subsection (5.2.18) for obstacle markings updates to Chapter 6 to incorporate feedback from industry experts, inclusive of heliport operators and designers, on ... More
    Closed 22 July 2024
  • Flight Safety Australia - feedback survey 2024

    Flight Safety Australia is CASA’s flagship aviation safety magazine. Take our survey to help us better provide the kind of publication you want! Whether you are a current reader, or have never read it, we want your feedback. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. About Flight Safety Australia Flight Safety Australia offers credible, informative and comprehensive content on all key aviation safety issues, including safety... More
    Closed 25 July 2024
  • Proposed amendments to Part 66 MOS – Modular licensing and new aircraft type ratings - (CD 2408MS)

    We are seeking your feedback on proposed amendments to the Part 66 Manual of Standards (MOS) to ensure they are fit for purpose. The amendments include: relocation of the table that identifies the vocational education and training (VET) units of competency (UOC) - required for a category or subcategory of modular licence - from the Part 66 acceptable means of compliance/guidance material ( AMC/GM), into a new appendix (Appendix X) in the Part 66 MOS ... More
    Closes 28 August 2024
  • Register your interest for participation in future Technical Working Groups

    The Aviation Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) has been established to provide high-level advice to the CASA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director of Aviation Safety (DAS). This advice comes from the aviation community on current and emerging issues that have, or may have significant implications for aviation safety and the way CASA performs its functions. Technical Working Groups (TWGs) are established under the ASAP Terms of Reference , to refer... More
  • Coming soon: Bankstown Airport - Southeast VFR Corridor

    Proposed Bankstown Southeast Visual Flight Rules (VFR) corridor We are preparing an airspace change proposal (ACP) to establish 2 daytime visual flight rule (VFR) lanes to the south and south-east of the Bankstown control zone. The proposed design is intended to reduce airspace risks associated with the constrained nature of the Bankstown control zone and sustained growth in air traffic in the region while also providing better access to the Sydney training areas. ... More
191 results. Page 7 of 7