Shoot for the sky photo competition

Closes 30 Sep 2024

Opened 2 Sep 2024


Have you taken a winning aviation-themed photo?

Enter Flight Safety Australia's competition and your image could feature on next year’s wall calendar.

We are looking for photographs that capture one or several aviation themes to add to our image library:

  • Against the Australian landscape
  • Aircraft in flight
  • Aircraft in the hangar/ maintenance
  • Drones
  • People in aviation
  • Sport and recreation aircraft
  • Vintage and historic aircraft

Be creative and shoot for the sky!

Over $3,500 in prizes to be won!

It is free to enter this competition. There is a limit of 3 entries per person.

Competition closes at 11:59 (AEST) Monday 30 September 2024

Competition prizes

  • 2 first prizes – win a $500 gift card
  • 11 runner-up prizes – win a $225 gift card
  • 5 annual subscriptions to Flight Safety Australia magazine (valued at $39 each)
  • Gift cards redeemable at over 80 retailers via GiftPay

Entries will be judged based on:

  • quality and nature of the aviation theme depicted
  • creativity and aesthetics
  • relevance and authenticity

Terms and conditions

Find out more by reading all the terms and conditions.

Conditions of entry

1. CASA means the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (ABN 44 808 014 470) of 18 Marcus Clarke Street, Civic, ACT 2601. Subject to any laws governing this competition, any decision of CASA about this competition is final.

2. Information on how to enter forms part of these Conditions of Entry. Entry into the competition is deemed acceptance of these Conditions of Entry. If you do not agree with any part of these Conditions of Entry you should not enter the competition.

3. You are only eligible to enter this competition if you: are an Australian resident are aged 18 years or older, or are under 18 but have parent or guardian consent to enter; and have exclusive intellectual property rights (including copyright ownership) in relation to the photograph(s) submitted in your entry

4. To enter this competition, you must agree to the terms and conditions, provide your name, email, testimonial and submit a digital photograph.

5. Do not include watermarks, logos or any other branding on your images.

6. By entering this competition, you warrant to CASA that you are eligible to enter this competition based on these Conditions of Entry.

7. CASA does not accept any responsibility for lost, late or incomplete entries, all of which will be ineligible.

8. There is no fee payable to CASA to enter this competition.

9. You may submit up to 3 photographs.

10. There is no restriction on when a photograph was taken.

11. Images submitted to the CASA 2022 The sky's the limit photo competition cannot be resubmitted.

12. Employees of CASA may enter the competition, however, are ineligible to win a prize from this competition.

13. All entries must meet the requirements set out in these Conditions of Entry. Entries that do not meet these requirements may not be accepted or considered for judging. CASA may determine in its discretion whether each entry meets the requirements.

14. Judicious use of dodging and burning may be acceptable if CASA believes that the photographer's objective was to adjust the tonal range of an image so that it more closely resembles what the photographer saw. Similarly, minor adjustments such as cropping, adjustments to brightness, contrast, sharpening and colour balance may also be acceptable. Any post-production and editing must be the work of the entrant.

15. Entered images must have been entirely captured with a camera (digital, film or phone camera) by the entrant. Images created by artificial intelligence using image-creation programs (for example, MidJourney, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, etc) may not be entered. Images edited using Generative AI in programs such as Photoshop, Topaz Photo AI, etc, where pixels are added that did not exist in the original photo, may not be entered. The competition organisers reserve the right to request original image files to verify the photographic integrity of any submitted entry. Failure to produce original image files, including previous and subsequent images captured during a shoot, may result in disqualification. Competition organisers reserve the right to disqualify an image if the photographic integrity of a submitted entry cannot be adequately verified.

16. Photographs in which a person can be clearly identified may be ineligible unless the entrant can produce evidence to CASA's satisfaction that the person has provided their written consent for the image to be used in this competition. In the case of a minor, consent must be provided in writing by their parent or guardian. CASA may request to inspect the written consent and may request any additional documentation (including a statutory declaration) be signed to satisfy CASA that appropriate consent has been obtained.

17. Photographs submitted to the competition must be of a high quality, as assessed by CASA. Photographs should be of an appropriate quality to be reproduced at least 5MP or 1.5MB) in JPEG/JPG format.

18. In the final stage of judging, CASA may request the original, minimally processed form of each photo—e.g. a 'raw' digital image file for review. If you are unable to produce a minimally processed form of a photo, then your entry may be disqualified.


19. By submitting an entry to this competition, the entrant warrants that they hold all intellectual property rights (including copyright) in each photograph submitted for the purposes of this competition. The entrant warrants that the photograph is their original work and that they have not copied any part of another person's work.

20. CASA may request proof and documentation to support a claim of copyright ownership, including a statutory declaration. CASA may reject any photograph(s) if proof of copyright ownership, to CASA's satisfaction, is not provided.

Judging panel

21. The competition will be judged by CASA's judging panel. The judging panel will consist of employees of CASA. The decision of the judging panel is final.

22. CASA intends that the judging will take place at the end of the Promotion Period. CASA may extend the period of time for judging the photographs at its sole discretion.

23. Entries will be judged based on the following criteria (Judging Criteria):

     a. quality and nature of the aviation theme depicted;
     b. creativity and aesthetics; and
     c. compliance with the requirements specified in conditions 14 and 15.

24. The competition is a competition of skill. Chance plays no part in determining the winners. Each valid entry will be individually judged against the Judging Criteria.

25. CASA reserves the right to accept or reject any photograph and may exercise absolute discretion in selecting or rejecting any photograph.

26. CASA may, at any time, disqualify any entrant.

Successful entries

27. Winners will be notified via email after the competition ends.

28. Copies of all suitable photographic entries will be stored in CASA's image library. The catalogue record will contain a caption and the name and contact details of the photographer.

29. By submitting an entry form and photograph, the entrant gives effect to the licensing of the photograph to CASA, in connection with any present or future promotion. The entrant will retain copyright to the photograph.

30. The entrant grants to CASA, a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide licence (including a right of sub-licence) to use, reproduce, publish, distribute, communicate and display any photograph submitted to this competition in connection with any present or future promotion.

31. The entrant, by submitting an entry to the competition, consents to and permits the image to be reproduced in the following publications and platforms without charge:

     a. the CASA Calendar and accompanying promotional material,
         including Electronic Direct Marketing (EDM) campaigns;
     b. any form of media coverage relating to the CASA Calendar;
     c. the CASA website and online shop;
     d. social media posts (e.g. on Facebook® and LinkedIn®) promoting
         CASA or the CASA Calendar; and      
     e. CASA in-house material promoting CASA or the CASA Calendar;
     f.  any other materials and publications associated with the
         dissemination or publication of CASA or the CASA Calendar.

32. Winning entry photographers will be acknowledged. Despite the 'preferred credit line' field on the entry form, the form of acknowledgement is solely at CASA's discretion. It will usually consist of the photographer's name or the name of their business.


33. CASA requires entrants to provide certain information, including personal information, in the entry form. CASA requires the information for the following purposes:

     a. to enable CASA to identify and contact the relevant entrant for any
         reason related to this competition, for example, to notify
         successful entrants or to request permission from an unsuccessful
         entrant to retain a submitted photo;
     b. to enable CASA to identify and contact the relevant
         entrant for proof and documentation in relation to a claim of
         copyright ownership; and
     c. or the general administration and conduct of the competition.

34. In accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), you may obtain access to your personal information and to request its correction by contacting CASA's FOI & Privacy coordinator.

35. When you submit an entry form or email CASA, CASA will record and use your personal information (including your email address) for the purposes of including you in the competition and, where appropriate, selecting winning entries. By submitting an entry form, you consent to:

     a. the use by CASA’s (and its employees, agents and contractors); and
     b. the disclosure to a third party (at the discretion of CASA), of any
         personal information that is collected by CASA as part of, or in the
         course of administering the competition, for the purposes of:
             i. verifying your eligibility to enter the competition;
             ii. communicating with you (e.g. to seek further information
                 about the entry);
             iii. advising you of the outcome of the competition;
             iv. obtaining feedback about the competition for evaluation
             v. exercising CASA's rights under these Conditions of Entry
                 (including the right to publish the names of winners).


36. Copies of all entries, corresponding entry forms and any correspondence entered into between the entrant and CASA will be stored by CASA (including a copy of the winning photograph, which will be stored in CASA's image library). CASA's image library catalogue record will contain a caption including the name and/or contact details of the photographer.

37. Non-winning entries submitted will not be returned and may be used by CASA in accordance with item 30.

38. All records (including entry forms) will be managed and disposed of in accordance with the Archives Act 1983 (Cth).

Modification or cancellation

39. CASA may exercise its discretion, at any time:

     a. to modify, suspend, postpone or cancel this competition without
         notice to entrants; and
     b. change or amend these Conditions of Entry without notice to


40. To the extent permitted at law, CASA excludes all liability to entrants for any loss, damage, claim or expense that entrants suffer or incur in connection with this competition.

41. Entrants indemnify CASA on demand against all claims directly or indirectly incurred or suffered by CASA in respect of:

     a. any infringement by the entrant of any intellectual property rights
         of any other person in respect of any photograph(s) entered into
         the competition:
     b. the use of the photograph(s) by CASA; and
     c. any breach of these Conditions of Entry.

42. All entrants release CASA from any liability, cost, damage, loss or expense arising out of, or in connection with, entry into this competition and the use of any photograph(s).

How to enter

  • enter the competition using the link below
  • upload your image/s in JPG format (up to 10mb per image)
  • you can submit up to 3 images
  • you will need to provide some contact information and details for each image
  • you will be asked to confirm you agree to the conditions of entry (above)

Enter the competition


  • CASA Staff
  • Aerodrome operator
  • Air operators
  • Flight instructors and flight examiners
  • Flight training operators
  • Engineers
  • Pilots
  • Sport and recreation operators/clubs
  • Hot air balloon operators
  • Air traffic controller(s)
  • Drone operators
  • Traveling public/passengers
  • Amateur/kit-built aircraft owners and builders
  • Approved self-administering aviation organisations
  • Part 147 of CASR Maintenance training organisations
  • Parachute operators
  • Parachuting sport aviation bodies
  • Pilots of parachuting aircraft
  • Balloon Instructors and flight examiners
  • Balloon Pilots
  • Balloon Sports aviation operators
  • Traveling public/passengers on balloon scenic flights
  • Balloon AOC holders and applicants
  • Sport and recreational balloon owners and pilots
  • Sport and recreational aircraft maintainers
  • Sport aviation bodies & prospective ASAOs
  • Gliding clubs
  • Aircraft owner/operator
  • Licensed aircraft maintenance engineers (LAME)
  • Aircraft maintenance engineers (AME)
  • Aerial work operator
  • Floatplane operators
  • Drone training organisation
  • Holder of RPAS remotely piloted aircraft operator’s certificate (ReOC)
  • Holder of RPAS and remote pilot licence (RePL)
  • Commercial drone operator
  • Recreational drone flyer
  • Model aircraft enthusiast
  • Flight training organisations
  • Helicopter pilots
  • AOC holders operating helicopters
  • Aerial work operator
  • Emergency services provider/operator
  • Air operators (Part 137 of CASR)
  • Passengers travelling on small commercial turbine aeroplanes
  • Gyroplane owners and pilots
  • Gyroplane sports aviation operators
  • Light Sport Aircraft, Lightweight Aeroplanes and Ultralight Aeroplanes owners and pilots
  • Light Sport Aircraft, Lightweight Aeroplanes and Ultralight Aeroplanes sport aviation operators
  • Operators and owners of limited category aircraft
  • Maintainers of limited category aircraft
  • Pilots of limited category aircraft
  • Sport and recreational pilots
  • Emergency services personnel


  • Airworthiness / maintenance
  • Drones/uncrewed aircraft systems
  • Sport and recreational aviation
  • Air travel
  • Flight training
  • Limited category aircraft
  • Private operations
  • Amateur/kit-built aircraft
  • Sport and recreational ballooning
  • Maintenance organisations
  • Model aircraft/remote control aeroplanes
  • Owner of drones and/or model aircraft
  • Maintenance training
  • Maintenance training organisations
  • Continuing airworthiness / maintenance
  • Registered operators- Private and aerial work operations