202 results
Draft guidance on radiotelephony procedures
We would like your feedback on our draft advisory circular (AC) on radiotelephony procedures. Clear, concise and accurate radio communications is an essential component of aviation safety. The purpose of this AC is to provide a comprehensive resource of standardised and best practice radiotelephony procedures, to help ensure uniformity in radiotelephony communications. It includes sample communication exchanges as well as detailed lists of standard phrases. ... MoreOpened today -
Approval of equipment used for carriage of persons external to a rotorcraft - Draft Advisory Circular 21-32 v1.0
We are seeking feedback on our draft advisory circular (AC) about the approval of equipment used for carriage of persons external to a rotorcraft. The feedback we received in our initial consultation for this AC has helped us improve the content, with the following highlights: adoption of the EASA terminology of simple and complex Personnel Carrying Device Systems (PCDS) inclusion of a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section ... MoreOpened 26 November 2024 -
Ballina controlled airspace - preferred design
CASA is seeking feedback on the preferred airspace design for the introduction of controlled airspace around Ballina. We are asking for feedback from Ballina area airspace users including local flying schools, aero clubs, operators, and industry bodies. Your feedback will help us finalise the design to support the Airspace Change Proposal (ACP). The preferred design Earlier this year we sought feedback from the aviation industry on the... MoreOpened 13 November 2024 -
Laser emissions which may endanger the safety of aircraft - Draft Advisory Circular 139.E-03 v1.0
We would like your feedback on a draft advisory circular (AC) that provides advice on protecting pilots of civil aircraft from accidental laser emissions. With laser light displays becoming more common, it is important that pilots are protected against accidental laser beam strikes. Lasers and high-intensity lights, like sky trackers, pose a serious risk to pilots that can result in difficulties flying and impaired vision. Draft AC 139.E-03 v1.0 - Laser... MoreOpened 15 October 2024 -
Proposed amendments for CASA to administer recreational balloon activities (CD 2409OS)
We’d like your feedback on proposed changes to Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 95.54 and the CASA Recreational Ballooning Procedures Manual (CRBPM). These changes are to ensure CASA’s continued administration of recreational ballooning activities. There will be no change for existing permit holders other than access to additional endorsements. The amendments have been drafted in preparation for the Part 131 Manual of Standards coming into force on 12 November 2024. ... MoreOpened 24 September 2024 -
Proposed change to policy on carriage of personnel involved in firefighting activities - (PP 2406OS)
We would like your feedback on our policy proposal to allow Part 138 Aerial Work Certificate (AWC) holders to carry firefighting personnel to and from a fireground in rotorcraft for hire or reward. Fighting fires is a major public interest and benefit activity across Australia. A large number of operators and people, some of whom are volunteers, give their time and expertise to protect the community. Many other first responders are also involved in firefighting related activities.... MoreOpened 12 September 2024 -
Access to controlled airspace and aerodromes for sport and recreational pilots – (PP 2412OS)
We would like your feedback on our proposal to allow approved self-administering aviation organisations (ASAOs) to authorise their pilots to operate in controlled airspace and at controlled aerodromes. The proposed policy would allow authorised sport and recreational pilots to operate in controlled airspace and at controlled aerodromes provided that: the pilot is equivalently competent to contextually relevant standards in the Part 61 Manual of Standards (MOS) ... MoreOpened 9 September 2024 -
Proposed amendment to allow access to the Obstacle Restriction Area (ORA) of an Aerodrome - (CD 2410AS)
We’d like your feedback on proposed changes to the Part 139 Manual of Standards (MOS) relating to access to the Obstacle Restriction Area (ORA) of an aerodrome. There are key safety and maintenance activities that need to occur frequently within the ORA, particularly the Runway Strip. The Part 139 MOS unintentionally restricts these activities by requiring written approval by CASA. Following a review of the detail in the Part 139 MOS, we are proposing significant changes to... MoreOpened 5 September 2024 -
Shoot for the sky photo competition
Have you taken a winning aviation-themed photo? Enter Flight Safety Australia 's competition and your image could feature on next year’s wall calendar. We are looking for photographs that capture one or several aviation themes to add to our image library: Against the Australian landscape Aircraft in flight Aircraft in the hangar/ maintenance Drones People in aviation Sport and recreation... MoreOpened 2 September 2024 -
Proposed Bankstown Airport Southeast VFR Corridor
We are seeking feedback from the aviation industry on a proposed airspace change to the Sydney Control Zone (CTR) and the introduction of 2 one-way (inbound and outbound) visual flight rule (VFR) lanes to the southeast of Bankstown CTR. Community feedback is being sought in parallel by Airservices Australia. The proposed changes aim to safely accommodate sustained growth in the Sydney region by reducing congestion and providing more equitable access to... MoreOpened 27 August 2024 -
Proposed amendments to Part 91 MOS – danger areas and landing minima visibility - (CD 2405OS)
We are seeking your feedback on the proposed amendments to the Part 91 (General Operating and Flight Rules) Manual of Standards (MOS). The most significant changes relate to the introduction of military operating areas (MOAs) and corrections to visibility requirements for landing minima. These could result in changes to your current practice. A range of other minor corrections are also included, which amend the Manual of Standards to accurately reflect intended outcomes... MoreOpened 13 August 2024 -
Proposed amendments to Part 66 MOS – Modular licensing and new aircraft type ratings - (CD 2408MS)
We are seeking your feedback on proposed amendments to the Part 66 Manual of Standards (MOS) to ensure they are fit for purpose. The amendments include: adjusting the stand-down periods after a failed exam from 90 days to 30 days, and the period after three failed attempts, from 1 year to 6 months, as prescribed in Appendix II of the Part 66 MOS, to assist a candidate’s progression towards attaining a licence relocation of the table that identifies the... MoreOpened 31 July 2024 -
Ballina airspace design - introduction of controlled airspace
To support the introduction of controlled airspace around Ballina, CASA is seeking feedback on the proposed preliminary airspace design. The design aims to safely accommodate continued growth of air traffic in the region. We are asking for feedback from people who use airspace in the Ballina area including local flying schools, aero clubs, operators, and industry bodies. Your feedback will help us refine the design to support the Airspace Change Proposal (ACP). ... MoreOpened 29 July 2024 -
Flight Safety Australia - feedback survey 2024
Flight Safety Australia is CASA’s flagship aviation safety magazine. Take our survey to help us better provide the kind of publication you want! Whether you are a current reader, or have never read it, we want your feedback. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. About Flight Safety Australia Flight Safety Australia offers credible, informative and comprehensive content on all key aviation safety issues, including safety... MoreOpened 27 June 2024 -
Guidelines for heliports - design and operation - Draft Advisory Circular 139.R-01 v3.0
We would like your feedback on amendments to our guidance for the design and operation of heliports in advisory circular (AC) 139.R-01. The amendments to AC 139.R-01 include: a new ‘General’ subsection (5.2.1) in section 5.2 – Markings and markers a new subsection (5.2.18) for obstacle markings updates to Chapter 6 to incorporate feedback from industry experts, inclusive of heliport operators and designers, on ... MoreOpened 25 June 2024 -
Ballina airspace concept – Class C and Class D proposal
To support the introduction of controlled airspace around Ballina, CASA is seeking feedback on a proposal to use Class C instead of Class D airspace between 4500 feet and 8500 feet. The feedback will help finalise a draft airspace design prior to further consultation with industry and the community soon. Background Airspace around Ballina Airport will be controlled by air traffic controllers from 2025 as CASA and Airservices Australia move to develop services... MoreOpened 23 May 2024 -
CASA digital badge program - share your views
In 2023, CASA teamed up with Credly to introduce a digital badge program. These digital badges aim to recognise pilots' dedication to continuous professional development and safety education through their participation in CASA's AvSafety webinars. MoreOpened 12 April 2024 -
Colour vision deficiency testing process for pilots - (CD 2404FS)
Medical certification for pilots with colour vision deficiency requires an assessment against the medical standards in Part 67 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) using a series of tests. A final determination as to whether a pilot meets the medical standard includes the opportunity to be assessed using an operational assessment. The process for this assessment requires a standardised approach to ensure the assessments are valid and reliable for a safe... MoreOpened 27 March 2024 -
Safety promotion in aircraft maintenance sector
We want your input to help us refresh and improve safety promotion for the aircraft maintenance sector. Tell us about the ways you get your safety messaging and the topics that matter to you by taking this short 3-minute survey. Have your say by 24 March 2024. MoreOpened 14 March 2024 -
Flight crew licensing scheme - Draft Advisory Circular 61-01 v1.0
We want your feedback on a new draft advisory circular (AC) that provides guidance on the structure and application of the flight crew licensing system. The rules for flight crew licensing are contained in Part 61 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR). The draft advisory circular covers all aspects of Part 61 flight crew licensing and training, including the rationale for licences, ratings, and endorsements (Part 61... MoreOpened 6 March 2024 -
Carbon monoxide safety awareness survey (maintenance engineers)
Are you a maintenance engineer who works on piston engine aircraft? If so, we want to hear from you! CASA is launching a safety education campaign focusing on carbon monoxide (CO) awareness in piston engine aircraft, targeting pilots and maintenance personnel. To support the campaign, we invite you to participate in a 5 minute online survey that asks about your knowledge of carbon monoxide, and the processes you undertake to identify CO leaks during... MoreOpened 15 February 2024 -
New multi-part AC for all-weather operations at aerodromes
We would like your feedback on the new draft multi-part advisory circular (AC) on all-weather operations (AWO) at aerodromes. This multi-part AC will replace existing AC 139-19 - All-weather operations on aerodromes and will complement AC 91-11 - Aeroplane low visibility operations - conduct and approvals. An AWO involves an operation on an aerodrome (surface movement, take-off, departure, approach or landing) in conditions where visual reference is limited by weather... MoreOpened 13 February 2024 -
Carbon monoxide safety awareness survey (pilots and operators)
Are you the registered operator or pilot of a piston engine aircraft? If so, we want to hear from you! CASA is launching a safety education campaign focusing on carbon monoxide (CO) awareness. To support the safety campaign, we invite you to tell us about your: knowledge of carbon monoxide (CO) carbon monoxide detector use in piston engine aircraft. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. The information and... MoreOpened 7 February 2024 -
Proposed Part 101 Chief Remote Pilot Licence Instructor and other matters - (CD 2401US)
We are seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Part 101 Manual of Standards (MOS). These changes include: a new Chief Remote Pilot Licence Instructor (CRI) position in the remote pilot licence (RePL) instructor qualification framework improved standards and flexibility transition plans other minor amendments to make it clearer. The summary of proposed change document outlines: the new CRI policy ... MoreOpened 1 February 2024 -
Proposed Part 101 MOS – Chief RePL Instructor assessment fee - (SPC 2319US)
We're seeking your views on a proposed regulatory services fee for the assessment of an application for a new Chief Remote Pilot Licence Instructor (CRI). After considering industry feedback, we have found the qualification requirements for Remote Pilot Licence (RePL) instructors outlined in Part 101 (Unmanned Aircraft and Rockets) Manual of Standards (MOS) 2019 , are more detailed than necessary for the intended purpose. These requirements are set to take effect on 10 April 2024.... MoreOpened 6 December 2023 -
Proposed amendments to Civil Aviation Orders (CAO 95-series) - Gyroplanes and other measures - (CD 2315SS)
We want your feedback on proposed changes to ensure the rules for sport and recreation aircraft (including gyroplanes) work as intended. When the flight operations regulations commenced in December 2021, several 95-series Civil Aviation Orders (CAOs) were amended to ensure their correct functioning under those regulations (mainly Part 91 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR)). To resolve issues and ensure Part 149 of CASR (Approved self-administering... MoreOpened 6 November 2023 -
Global reporting format and Part 139 Miscellaneous Amendments - (CD 2313AS)
Runway safety, particularly runway excursions, is one of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) top aviation safety priorities. The third most common landing excursion risk factor is ineffective braking action, which can occur when there are contaminants on the runway such as snow, ice, slush or water. This risk factor is confirmed by the main aircraft manufacturers and the Flight Safety Foundation. To address the issue, the ICAO Friction Task Force developed a... MoreOpened 30 October 2023 -
Proposed instrument (CASA EX105/23) — Part 105 (Parachute Operators and Pilots) Instrument 2023 (CD 2310OS)
We want your feedback on our proposal to rectify unintended consequences in the rules that apply to parachuting from aircraft. Proposed instrument, CASA EX105/23 - Part 105 (Parachute Operators and Pilots), aims to resolve unintended consequences of Part 105 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR). It aims to minimise, and in some cases remove, financial and operational costs to parachuting organisations and industry while continuing to provide for... MoreOpened 30 October 2023 -
Access to Class C and Class D controlled airspace for sport and recreation aircraft – (DP 2314OS)
We are seeking your input to help with our ongoing work to achieve safe, efficient and equitable access to controlled airspace and controlled aerodromes. Your feedback and ideas will assist us to consider the options for increasing sport and recreational opportunities as part of our General Aviation Workplan . The aviation community has told us that sport and recreational aviation’s access to controlled airspace is too restricted. Through the General Aviation Workplan,... MoreOpened 27 October 2023 -
Class 5 medical self-declaration - (PP 2302FS)
We are seeking your feedback on a new Class 5 medical self-declaration policy. It will allow private pilots to self-assess and self-declare without requiring a medical assessment if they meet fitness requirements and operate in accordance with specified operational limitations. The policy aims to improve accessibility to a streamlined medical self-certification pathway for the general aviation and recreational aviation community. To support the implementation of the new... MoreOpened 27 October 2023
202 results.
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