Proposed change to Launceston airspace

Closed 12 May 2022

Opened 11 Apr 2022

Feedback updated 2 Feb 2023

We asked

We asked industry to provide feedback on the proposal to add an additional step in the Launceston controlled airspace (CTA) in line with a recommendation made during the 2021 Supplementary Review: Aircraft containment Launceston. The proposal introduces a step from 30 DME to 36 DME with a lower limit of 6,500 feet (FT) above mean sea level (AMSL) in the northern area of Launceston CTA.

We sought feedback to understand industry and community issues, observations or positions about the information contained in the proposal.

The consultation was open from 11 April to 12 May 2022. We received 27 responses via the Consultation Hub. Respondents included pilots of passenger transport operations, sport aviation operators and representatives of user groups. Eleven respondents consented to having their comments published, however only nine made comment.

You said

Overall, responses were generally supportive of the draft proposal however others identified potential restrictions to existing operations resulting from the lowering of the CTA. The feedback validated the issues of high cockpit workload while maintaining airspace containment applicable to the required standards, particularly on descent into Launceston.

There were some comments on matters outside the scope of the proposal including that SIDs, STARs and RNP approaches should be implemented.

We did

Each comment was reviewed and, where actionable, the Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) undertook additional consultations for clarification purposes. All comments were greatly appreciated. Where consent has been given to publish the response, these have been included.

An airspace change proposal was submitted and approved by the OAR to introduce a new step from 30 DME to 36 DME in Launceston CTA with a lower limit of 7,500 FT AMSL. The change is expected to become effective 15 June 2023.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) is seeking your feedback on a proposal to add an additional step north in the Launceston controlled airspace. This proposal is in accordance with a recommendation made during the 2021 Supplementary Review: Aircraft containment Launceston.


In 2021 the OAR published the Supplementary Review as a result of the observation made during the 2019 Airspace Review of Launceston.

The Review recommended amendments to the Launceston airspace to ensure procedure containment and increase operational efficiencies for aircraft flying over Bass Strait and Flinders Island.


The existing airspace has a controlled airspace step 30 DME to 45 DME which has a lower limit of 8,500 feet (ft) above mean sea level (AMSL). This proposal introduces a step from 30 DME to 36 DME with a lower limit of 6,500 ft AMSL.

The primary reason is to increase the aircraft efficiencies, particularly for aircraft on approach to runway 14 at Launceston. Currently aircraft arriving from over Bass Strait can experience considerable tail winds resulting in aircraft descending with these tailwinds. Pilots experience an increased workload reducing aircraft speed, maintaining an optimal descent profile while monitoring to remain in controlled airspace.

The introduction of the new step will:

  • reduce cockpit workload
  • increase aircraft efficiencies and benefits of continuous descent operations.

There are no changes to aircraft routes or procedures.


The documents for review are provided below. They are:

  • the Supplementary Review: Aircraft containment Launceston February 2021
  • a map of existing Launceston airspace
  • a map of proposed change to Launceston airspace.

Further information about airspace regulation and the airspace change process is available on the CASA website.

If you would like to provide further feedback, please email Feedback submitted by email will be considered and may later be publicly available unless you request your submission to remain confidential.

Why your views matter

Why we are consulting

We are seeking your feedback regarding the proposed change and how it will impact your operations. 

What happens next

Once the consultation has closed, we will register and review each submission received through the online response form. We will make all submissions publicly available on the Consultation Hub, unless you request that your submission remain confidential. 

Information about how we consult and how to make a confidential submission is available on the CASA website.

To be notified of any future consultations, you can subscribe to our consultation and rulemaking mailing list.


  • Aerodrome operator
  • Flight instructors and flight examiners
  • Flight training operators
  • Pilots
  • Sport and recreation operators/clubs
  • Air traffic controller(s)
  • Air traffic service provider
  • Part 173 of CASR Certified/Authorised Instrument Flight Procedure Designer Aerodrome
  • Aerodrome owner/operators


  • Airspace and infrastructure