Community service flights instrument consultation

Closed 15 Dec 2021

Opened 17 Nov 2021

Results updated 17 Mar 2022

The primary aim of this consultation was to elicit feedback about:

  • a legal Instrument, made in 2019, that introduced new requirements for pilots conducting Community Service Flights (CSF) to ensure an appropriate level of safety for the people who use these flights
  • any changes to the CSF landscape over the past three years.

The consultation gathered data and specific examples for each of the five topic areas of the CSF instrument and of changes to the CSF landscape more generally. Respondents had the opportunity to voice their concerns with free-text boxes, to raise related issues and offer their suggestions and opinions regarding their experiences.

We received 67 responses. Respondents were predominantly pilots who have conducted CSF flights. Eight ‘other’ responses were received, including from a CSF organisation, and from a prior user of CSF services.


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


In 2019 CASA introduced new requirements that apply to pilots conducting Community Service Flights (CSF) to ensure an appropriate level of safety for the people who use these flights. These requirements are in the Civil Aviation (Community Service Flights – Conditions on Flight Crew Licences) Instrument 2019 (the ‘CSF Instrument’).

The CSF Instrument expires on 18 March 2022. We want feedback on the instrument from CSF pilots, organisations and other participants. This is your opportunity to tell us about your experiences as these may have been affected by the operation of the CSF Instrument, including whether the requirements have resulted in any unintended consequences. We are looking for data and specific examples to help us understand any issues you may be having before we determine the ongoing requirements for CSF flights. Please include as much specific detail as you can about both positive and negative impacts, including any additional costs you have incurred or savings you have made.


Community Service Flights (CSF) are non-emergency flights coordinated by charitable or community organisations and conducted for the purpose of transporting people to receive medical treatment or services. These organisations are not air service providers and the flights are conducted as private operations. They are not subject to the regulatory requirements and oversight applied to operations conducted under an Air Operator’s Certificate.

CSFs are conducted by volunteer pilots who are solely responsible for the safe conduct of these flights. CSFs can be conducted in varying weather conditions, to and from familiar and unfamiliar aerodromes carrying passengers with a variety of medical conditions and needs.

CSFs may face different operating conditions and safety considerations beyond those involved in other kinds of private flight. The rules for pilots conducting CSFs cover:

  • experience and recency – qualifications, flight hours minimums and recent landings
  • flight rules – hours on type, no NVFR
  • aircraft – what kind are allowed and how they are maintained
  • passengers – no more than five including patient and support
  • flight notification – SARTIME or full flight details.

Find out more on our website.

Why your views matter

What Happens Next

At the end of the response period for public comment, we will review each comment and submission received through the online response form. We will make all submissions publicly available on the CASA website unless a respondent requests that their submission remain confidential. 

When the responses to the consultation, for which consent to publish has been granted, are published, we will also publish a summary of consultation. The summary will outline feedback received, describe any intended changes and detail our plans for the CSF Instrument.

Information about how we consult and how to make a confidential submission is available on the CASA website.

To be notified of any future consultations, you can subscribe to our consultation and rulemaking mailing list.


  • Pilots
  • Traveling public/passengers


  • Health