Preliminary Airspace Review Hobart 2019

Closed 31 May 2019

Opened 10 May 2019

Feedback updated 18 Dec 2019

We asked

The 2017 aeronautical study of Hobart made three recommendations that included the monitoring of passenger and aircraft movements at Hobart for two years. We asked various stakeholders from aviation, aerodrome and community sectors to provide feedback regarding the Hobart airspace via our Consultation Hub and through face-to-face meetings. A draft report of this feedback was made available to the public for comment. This was closed in November 2019.

You said

A total of 14 respondents provided feedback through our Consultation Hub. There were eight separate face-to-face meetings and one additional written submission received by email, not via the Consultation Hub.

The responses raised various topics including:

  • the consultation process undertaken during the implementation of new instrument flight procedures at Hobart
  • the increase in recorded occurrences involving aircraft flying the new procedures
  • the suitability of the airspace classification at Hobart with continued growth in aircraft and passenger movements
  • support for air traffic control at Hobart Tower and the work they do regarding efficient aircraft movement
  • the notable benefit to airspace users operating in Class G airspace from an additional step introduced after the aeronautical study
  • an opportunity to further enhance the airspace by introducing a Class C tower service supported by Class C terminal airspace by Airservices Australia. This was generally supported however further information would be required, noting that procedural separation in Class C airspace would cause delays to aircraft operating at Cambridge.

These comments are included in the final report on the Airspace reviews webpage. A change to the wording of the recommendation was made as a result of that feedback to provide consistency with the context of its purpose.

We did

We considered and assessed feedback as part of the airspace review process.

The Hobart airspace review 2019 found:

  • that three recommendations made in the 2017 Hobart aeronautical study are finalised
  • combined data at Hobart and Cambridge aerodromes recorded yearly average increases in total aircraft movements (6.6%), air transport movements (5.4%) and passenger movements (6.1%)
  • new flight routes, SIDs, STARs and terminal instrument flight procedures have been completed and were introduced in November 2019
  • the airspace classification is fit for purpose however there is an opportunity for Airservices Australia to enhance the level of service provided and the efficiency of controlled airspace – this opportunity should be examined
  • a recommendation that Airservices Australia submit an airspace change proposal for the introduction of a Class C tower service supported by Class C terminal airspace within 12 months from published the report.

Results updated 1 Nov 2019

CASA received a total of twelve responses from a wide range of stakeholders including airspace users, community members and industry representatives.

Feedback from the consultation hub was considered and included in the Hobart Airspace Review 2019. Issues or matters of note are contained within the report below.


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Section 13 of the Airspace Act 2007 requires the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to conduct regular reviews of Australian-administered airspace. The Office of Airspace Regulation (OAR) is responsible for conducting these reviews on behalf of CASA.

The OAR determines the need and priority for an airspace review based on information related to annual aircraft and passenger movements, aviation incidents and any feedback or information provided on issues related to airspace activity.

The last aeronautical study of the airspace surrounding Hobart was published in February 2017. This study made three recommendations which included no change to the airspace classification, continued monitoring of aircraft and passenger movement data by the OAR, and the continuation of redesigning flight routes into and out of Hobart by Airservices Australia.

In November 2017, flight path changes at Hobart became operational, which led to recorded incidents and examination of the implementation process of the new flight by the Australian Noise Ombudsmen.

During and since the publication of the aeronautical study, Hobart continues to exceed the Class C airspace review criteria threshold listed in the Australian Airspace Policy Statement 2018. With the continued exceedance of this indicator, and enquiries made by members of the public about these air route changes and the subsequent incidents, the OAR considers it appropriate to undertake this preliminary airspace review.

Documents for review

A copy of the Terms of Reference for the Airspace Review within the vicinity of Hobart is provided below. This includes a downloadable Word copy and PDF of this consultation for ease of distribution and feedback within your organisation. Please use the on-line consultation form for your response. The word document and PDF should not be used as an emailed submission.

Why your views matter

This consultation is seeking feedback on safety, efficiency and improvements to the current airspace surrounding Hobart, Tasmania.

What happens next

Once the consultation has closed, we will register and review each submission received through the online response form. We will make all submissions publicly available on the Consultation Hub, unless you request that your submission remain confidential. We will also publish a Summary of Consultation which summarises the feedback received.

Information about how we consult and how to make a confidential submission is available on the CASA website.

To be notified of any future consultations, you can subscribe to our consultation and rulemaking mailing list.


  • CASA Staff
  • Aerodrome operator
  • Air operators
  • Flight training operators
  • Pilots
  • Sport and recreation operators/clubs
  • Air traffic controller(s)
  • Air traffic service provider


  • Airspace and infrastructure
  • Sport and recreational aviation
  • Air travel