Access to controlled airspace and aerodromes for sport and recreational pilots – (PP 2412OS)

Closed 27 Sep 2024

Opened 9 Sep 2024

Results updated 16 Dec 2024

CASA will expand access to controlled airspace for sport and recreation pilots from 2025.

The decision follows consultation with industry on a proposed policy and detailed engagement with approved self-administering aviation organisations (ASAOs).

We received 356 responses to the consultation from a wide variety of airspace users. The majority of responses were from pilots, both those authorised under the Part 61 licensing scheme and by an approved self-administering aviation organisation (ASAO). Other groups providing feedback included ASAOs, sport and recreation flight training schools, Part 141 or 142 flight training operators, Part 61 flight instructor or flight examiners and air traffic controllers.

We will now work through the feedback from this consultation to ensure that we can do so safely for all airspace users.

Under the proposal, pilots would need to meet established CASA requirements for:

  • English language proficiency
  • competency in using a radio to communicate with air traffic control
  • pilot competencies, including in navigation, flight planning, emergency, weather and airspace clearances
  • minimum medical requirements. 

Aircraft will also be required to carry equipment such as radio communication and surveillance equipment and meet all established serviceability and reliability requirements.

The initiative is an action resulting from our General Aviation Workplan.

It is expected that this will be enabled through amendments to Civil Aviation Orders (CAOs) 95.10, 95.32 and 95.55 to allow sport and recreation pilots operating under Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus) to operate in controlled airspace and at controlled aerodromes.

CASA is aiming to establish an enduring controlled airspace and controlled aerodrome access policy for all pilots operating under an ASAO as part of the Part 103 MOS development process.

Further detail on the policy and the amendments to the CAOs will be made in Q1 of 2025. 

A full summary of consultation is available below. 


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


We would like your feedback on our proposal to allow approved self-administering aviation organisations (ASAOs) to authorise their pilots to operate in controlled airspace and at controlled aerodromes.

The proposed policy would allow authorised sport and recreational pilots to operate in controlled airspace and at controlled aerodromes provided that:

  • the pilot is equivalently competent to contextually relevant standards in the Part 61 Manual of Standards (MOS)
  • the aircraft is equipped to contextually relevant Part 91 standards and requirements.

ASAOs choosing to take advantage of the proposed policy would be required to amend their expositions and demonstrate to us how they will use the expanded administrative function. We will provide guidance and support to ASAOs.

We propose to amend Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 95.55 to permit relevant sport and recreational pilots to operate in controlled airspace if they hold an authorisation issued by an ASAO which permits such operations.

This will initially make the policy available for Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus) due to their capability to use the policy in the near future.

Other ASAOs have indicated that they don’t have the capability to use the policy in the short-term.

Longer term, an enduring mechanism to permit access to controlled airspace and controlled aerodromes would be incorporated into the Part 103 MOS.

Please read the attached proposal for further detail on the proposed policy. Appendix A to the Policy Proposal document details the rationale for each proposed requirement.

Opportunity to comment

Your feedback will help us make sure the proposed requirements are suitable, both for the interim approach to amend CAO 95.55, and for the longer-term approach to incorporate an enduring mechanism to permit access to controlled airspace and controlled aerodromes in the Part 103 MOS.

Please submit your comments using the survey link on this page.

If you are unable to provide feedback via the survey link, please email for advice.

Documents for review

All documents related to this consultation are attached in the ‘Related’ section at the bottom of the overview page. They are:

  • PP 2412OS – this document outlines the proposed policy
  • MS Word copy of online consultation for ease of distribution and feedback within your organisation.

What happens next

At the end of the response period, we will:

  • review all comments received
  • make responses publicly available on the consultation hub (unless you request your submission remain confidential)
  • publish a Summary of Consultation which summarises the feedback received and outlines any intended changes and next steps.

All comments received on the proposed policy will be considered. Relevant feedback that improves upon the proposed policy will be incorporated into the development of amendments to CAO 95.55, and in the future Part 103 MOS.


  • Flight instructors and flight examiners
  • Flight training operators
  • Pilots
  • Air traffic controller(s)
  • Approved self-administering aviation organisations
  • Sport aviation bodies & prospective ASAOs
  • Gliding clubs
  • Aerodrome Rescue & Fire Fighting Service (ARFFS) providers
  • Sport and recreational pilots


  • Airspace and infrastructure
  • Sport and recreational aviation
  • Self administration aviation activities
  • Sport and recreational ballooning