Draft CAAP 166-01 v4.2 - Operations in the vicinity of non-controlled aerodromes

Closed 16 Jan 2019

Opened 7 Dec 2018

Results updated 20 Feb 2019

CASA has consulted extensively on the appropriate frequency to use at low-level in Class G airspace. Risks associated with operations in the vicinity of non-controlled aerodromes that were not published on an aeronautical chart were looked at. This consultation asked people to comment on the final advice published in CAAP 166-01 v4.2. The consultation has now closed, and a summary of the feedback is provided below.


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Following extensive consultation with the aviation community, we have finalised the policy in relation to the appropriate frequency to use in the vicinity of non-controlled aerodromes.

To ensure the radio procedures will work in practice as they are intended, we have made some editorial changes to consolidate and clarify the radio use guidance in the Civil Aviation Advisory Publication 166-01 (CAAP 166-01). Feedback on these changes is now being sought. Similar wording will be published in the AIP on 28 February 2019.

CAAP 166-01 supports the continued use of Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) procedures for pilots, when flying at, or in the vicinity of, non-controlled aerodromes published on aeronautical charts or in a broadcast area.

The significant change in the CAAP recommends that pilots should listen and broadcast as necessary on the Area VHF in all other non-controlled airspace. However, a pilot has the discretion to use the most appropriate frequency to ensure safe operations. This may be MULTICOM 126.7MHz.

Why your views matter

It is important to note that we are not consulting on the policy of these changes, but rather to ensure that the CAAP correctly reflects that policy.

Please read the draft CAAP 166-01 and provide your feedback on these editorial changes via our Consultation Hub by 16 January 2019. A copy of the draft CAAP 166-01 v4.2 is provided below. You can read the document on this screen using the scroll bar or save it to your computer using the popup options.

Upon completion of this consultation, CASA will commence activities to educate pilots of these changes ahead of the 28 February 2019 Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) amendment. The changes will also be promulgated by an Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC).

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What happens next

At the end of the response period for public comment, we will review each comment and submission received through the online response form. We will make all submissions publicly available on the CASA website unless a respondent requests that their submission remain confidential. Information about how we consult and how to make a confidential submission is available on the CASA website.

When the responses to the consultation, for which consent to publish has been granted, are published, we will also publish a summary of consultation (SOC). The SOC will summarise feedback received, describe any intended changes and detail our plans for this CAAP.

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  • CASA Staff
  • Aerodrome operator
  • Air operators
  • Flight instructors and flight examiners
  • Flight training operators
  • Pilots
  • Sport and recreation operators/clubs
  • Hot air balloon operators


  • Airspace and infrastructure
  • Sport and recreational aviation
  • Air travel
  • Operational standards
  • Flight training