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Aviation State Engagement Forum
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Any Status
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CASA Staff
Air operators (Part 137 of CASR)
AAM aircraft manufacturers
AAM consultants
Aerial work operator
Aerial work operator
Aerial work operator (Part 138)
Aerodrome industry consultant
Aerodrome industry consultant
Aerodrome operator
Aerodrome owner/operators
Aerodrome reporting officers
Aerodrome Rescue & Fire Fighting Service (ARFFS) providers
Air operators
Air traffic controller(s)
Air traffic service provider
Air transport operations – rotorcraft (Part 133)
Aircraft maintenance engineers (AME)
Aircraft owner/operator
Airworthiness organisations
Amateur/kit-built aircraft owners and builders
AOC holders operating helicopters
Approved self-administering aviation organisations
Aviation Medical Practitioner (AMP)
Aviation Meteorology
Balloon AOC holders and applicants
Balloon Instructors and flight examiners
Balloon manufacturers
Balloon Pilots
Balloon pilots holding a CP(B)L
Balloon Sports aviation operators
CASA aerodrome inspector
Certified aerodrome owner/operator
Commercial drone operator
Credentialed Optometrist (CO)
Designated Aviation Eye Examiner (DAEE)
Designated Aviation Medical Examiner (DAME)
Designated Aviation Ophthalmologist or Optometrist (DAO)
Drone manufacturers
Drone operators
Drone repairers
Drone training organisation
Emergency services personnel
Emergency services provider/operator
Equipment Manufacturers (including CASA Production Authorisation Holders)
Farmer/ agriculture/operate over your own land
Fire management agencies
Firefighting personnel
Flight instructors and flight examiners
Flight service officer/s
Flight training operators
Flight training operators - helicopters
Flight training organisations
Floatplane operators
Forecaster/Meteorological service provider
Foreign operator
Gliding clubs
Gyroplane owners and pilots
Gyroplane sports aviation operators
Helicopter pilots
High Power Rocket Operator
Holder of RPAS and remote pilot licence (RePL)
Holder of RPAS remotely piloted aircraft operator’s certificate (ReOC)
Hot air balloon operators
Instructors and flight examiners
Licensed aircraft maintenance engineers (LAME)
Light show proponents (e.g. commercial organisations or education institutions)
Light Sport Aircraft, Lightweight Aeroplanes and Ultralight Aeroplanes owners and pilots
Light Sport Aircraft, Lightweight Aeroplanes and Ultralight Aeroplanes sport aviation operators
Local and state planners
Maintainers of limited category aircraft
Maintenance authorisation holders (CAR 33B/33D/42ZC)
Model aircraft enthusiast
Operations Control/Flight Dispatch
Operators and owners of limited category aircraft
Parachute certificate holders
Parachute maintenance and manufacturing organisations
Parachute operators
Parachuting sport aviation bodies
Part 138 of CASR certificate holders operating helicopters
Part 141 of CASR operator
Part 142 of CASR operator
Part 145 of CASR approved maintenance organisations (AMO)
Part 147 of CASR Maintenance training organisations
Part 173 of CASR Certified/Authorised Instrument Flight Procedure Designer Aerodrome
Part 173 of CASR Instrument flight procedure designers
Part 175 of CASR Aeronautical information service providers
Part 61 of CASR Pilots
Passengers travelling on small commercial turbine aeroplanes
Pilots of limited category aircraft
Pilots of parachuting aircraft
Potential AAM operators
Potential AAM pilots
Potential vertiport owner and operator
Recreational drone flyer
Regulation 30 of CAR maintenance organisations (CAR 30)
Rocket operator
Rocketry organisation
Rocketry organisation member
Rocketry Participants
Rural fire brigades
School/Education/Aviation Theory Provider
School/educational institution
Sport and recreation operators/clubs
Sport and recreational aircraft maintainers
Sport and recreational balloon owners and pilots
Sport and recreational pilots
Sport aviation bodies & prospective ASAOs
Subpart 21.J of CASR approved design organisation
Subpart 21.M of CASR authorised persons
Tethered gas balloon operators
Training organisation representative
Traveling public/passengers
Traveling public/passengers on balloon scenic flights
Unmanned balloon operators
Unregulated aerodrome owner/operator
Vertiport developers
VET and tertiary sector organisations providing aviation theory training
Any Interest
Advanced air mobility
Aerodrome Reporting Officer Training
Aerodrome rescue & fire fighting
Air travel
Aircraft certification and design
Aircraft engineer licensing
Airspace and infrastructure
Airworthiness / maintenance
Airworthiness/maintenance (CAR 30 and CASR Part 145 maintenance orgs)
Amateur/kit-built aircraft
Aviation medicine
Cabin safety
Carers of children who own drones
Communication, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management (CNS/ATM) equipment suppliers
Continuing airworthiness / maintenance
Contractors providing CNS/ATM services to Airservices Australia
Dangerous goods
Drones/uncrewed aircraft systems
Drug and alcohol management
Emergencies and incident reporting
Equipment standards
Fatigue management
First person view (FPV)
Flight training
Human External Cargo (HEC)
Human factors
In-house training for CASA FOIs
Limited category aircraft
Maintenance organisations
Maintenance personnel training (CASR Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisations)
Maintenance training
Maintenance training organisations
Model aircraft/remote control aeroplanes
Model rocket enthusiast/operator
New and emerging technology
Operational standards
Owner of drones and/or model aircraft
Private operations
Registered operators- Private and aerial work operations
Safety management systems
Safety promotion
Self administration aviation activities
Sport and recreational aviation
Sport and recreational ballooning
Technical training organisations
Training and checking systems
Unmanned balloons
In-house training
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